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  • Thank you so much savitto. That helped me understand how to do player animation with movement properly and invert as well. I dont want to use jump for this one, its more of a moving shooter type of game looking up.

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  • Thank you for the reply Savvito.

    I did explosions on a separate event on animation finished and destroyed it, worked. Now i understand destroying animations better and how to do it.

    Regarding sprite dimension do you mean the size? Because when i press (size: make 1.1) my sprite just went huge and took over screen but looked like how it should. The size was 567x556 when its huge. But i want the sprite to be 64x64 like above, but its pixely. How do i fix this? Or do i have to fix the sprite?

    Finally the sprite movement and animation see screenshots below, I am still a bit confused. Below is what i did and i still cant get the sprite to face the other way with mirrored. Also another problem i realised was when i touch the left and right buttons, the animation runs for a few seconds then stops and goes to idle animation. And I have never used inverted before and cant seem to find that action. When you say is touching left and is touching right do you mean in separate events or sub event? Could you give example?

    Thank you for your help.

  • Hi there,

    So i am learning how to incorporate animations in construct 3, and downloaded some free sprites and animations to use.

    I am trying to get my character to turn left and right with animation run, i have idle animation as well as else statement so when your not touching left and right on touch screen buttons idle animation runs.

    Problem is when i set mirrored and i press the right button, player faces left instead and runs left but cant turn right again. Also it shouldn't turn left when i press the right button. I tried to also set run for both left and right as you can see but that does not work either, I tried with angles as well but that just rotates the player and moves it about.

    Additionally the third screenshot, my character sprite is all pixely in the game and on the layout. It should not look like this and i cant seem to fix this issue. Its not like this when i click on the sprite and go into animations it looks fine.

    Finally the 4 and 5th screenshot shows explosions animation which works, but the last frame of the explosion just stays on screen and stays stuck. i tried many things but cant fix this issue.

    Thank you for assistance.

  • I understand thank you.

  • Thank you so much.

    I completely forgot about doing the system condition first that was why i couldn't do it. I need to learn to use system conditions and sub events more. As i was setting up scores and lives and they work now because i learned how to use sub events and global variables within system conditions.

    just like the the way points, the for each condition was in system settings and i never checked there or thought about it. Also i understand UIDs better, the lower the number e.g 5 the enemy AI will go to Waypoint UID 5 first then Waypoint UID 12 etc. I can make different paths which is great that is what i wanted. Sorry if i confused you.

  • Hello,

    I am having a problem with Waypoints. Below is a picture of my 2 pink way points and blue AI enemy.

    I know how to move blue enemy square to a random on the layout or how to move it to the first

    pink square for example.

    However i cant seem to be able to move it to both pink waypoints one after another. Now i tried instance variable but that just adds the same instance variable to all the Waypoints. In events I cant see for example go to instance varable 1, then 2 etc. I know u do find path, then move along path etc under pathfinding conidtion.

    In the Moveto events there is move to object and pathfinding conditon both have direct and waypoint options, but dosnt go to all waypoints.

    Also i see that each sprite has a unique UID, how do you do them in events?. Would this be better for waypoints etc?.

    Thank You


  • Thank you I understand now.

  • Thank you guys.I understand how to teleport, touch aspects and movement with the moveto behaviour. I did not know that behaviour even existed until i inspected the behaviours thoroughly.

    I went through each behaviour and understood most of them and what they do by playing around. However could you guys explain to me what the difference between the timeline and path-finding behaviour is and what type of games they would suit or when they would be used?

    I played around with the timeline and created a small animation (keyframes) of enemy ai moving (max 5 seconds). However same can be done with the pathfinding right if you made a obstacle course on another layout? Which is better to use for Ai etc.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Hello,

    I want to be able to select a sprite which is the dog sprite pictured below, and then move that dog sprite to another area on the purple background by touch.

    So if i touched the dog sprite and then I touched the right corner of the purple background the dog sprite would move to that location. I have bullet and touch behaviours already, and the first part would be either on touch sprite or on tap object? then actions i do now know how to implement.

    Any suggestions appreciated,

    Thank you


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  • Thank you guys helped a lot.

  • Thank you guys for your replies.

    MAVERICK - Thank you, your keyboard suggestion helped me out a lot and made me understand more things.

    However one issue is that once left key is released my sprite goes straight back to looking right. How do i fix this so when i press left arrow key and release it the sprite stays looking left. I tried using else etc but do not know how to do this.

    - Thanks for the suggestion, however I do not know how to do this, could u give me an example like maverick has? When i tried it the sprite just turned around upside down and stayed like that.

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