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  • Selimovich

    Ah I appreciate your decision and felt gratitude for it. Not certainly sure what really happens in exported html version, yet your feedback is invaluable as evaluation input.

    No worries alextro and I'm trying to get best from your code as well. Soon I will have few more questions but until that try to put coding desing at first place ( kinda mess to find something )

  • alextro

    Finally I bought your template and it is working perfectly on my computer. Probably HMTL version you uploaded to Scirra store is wrong with something since that one is so slow.

    It is good work man. Trying to understand coding and to make something out of it .

  • I used to get a graphic first and based on that I made myself a story but still in forever time to build it

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  • Selimovich

    It is little complex to maintain update in short time since there is increased features than early version. Need more time for me to be able to rework current events to see if performance could improved or not especially in mobile.

    alextro thanks for reply and I will wait bit longer to see new updates.

  • I like it but still slow even for me. Do you have any update on this ?

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  • Hello guys.

    Here I have one question for myself and for you too.

    I started with Scirra while ago like 1 year probably and worked pretty much in it. Then learner a lot stuff around. Now it's time to do some work so :

    1. I bought licence

    2. I bought 3 templates for learning

    3. I bought graphics & sprites

    Then :

    My product is almost done and it's only by myself since I haven't more money to spend to pay some help. So is it possible to get back some money and as I understand it is from AdMob ads and similar. How long it goes ? And is it worthy ?


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Member since 5 Apr, 2014

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