Selimovich's Forum Posts

  • Can you debug this on your phone to check the console for any errors.

    I will try to do it. I still waiting for an answer from google play.

  • Hi all,

    I want to ask if anyone is facing problem with app from google store. Recently I uploaded my app in Alpha phase and got published. So after downloading app just is black screen and never starting but original .apk is perfectly working.

    Any have idea what to do ?


    Thanks but this just stack on screen. Couldn't scroll it at all. Thanks on help anyhow.

  • On the every tick event, add the system compare two values condition - CurTouchY < PrevTouchY

    I was trying it but something doesn't work. Can you please help me with .cap and I will be very thankfull


    Remove the x related expressions and leave only y.

    Thanks but this still scroll down. I want to go up.

  • Hello all,

    I have read many of other posts regarding scrolling or swipe layers but couldnt find any that slide up. Is there anyone who can help me with this ?

  • You might change some graphic elements in the game so it won't looks too identical to other existing game.

    I have it done already but...

  • from wich i know, if you paid for an asset that's also the license it provides. So if you have receipt and the other developer want to bother you he will have to talk to the designer. The designer could be sued but not you.

    For apple any trouble about developer will for sure block you from the market, they only care about money.

    I do have licence & receipt but my concern was about one another developer who used same graphic for similar game. So that is what is really bothering me.

  • Thanks, I'll try some other features with the Perlin noise plugin.

    What is size of your map in pxs ?

  • That would be determined by the exact wording of the agreement. "Exclusive" means different things to different people.

    I know. But there are 2 types of licences so...still on sale. I'm wondering what about google play or ios if there are 2 or more games with same designs...

  • I've seen numerous games on Google Play with assets from It's really your call.

    Thanks! And also I think if a coder or gamemaker did bought exclusive graphics then it shouldn't be on sale again by same designer. Am I right ?

  • Hello all.

    Here is situation. I have bought a graphics from Envato Market and recently I found that someone already made similar game to me with same graphics ? So what I can do now ? Use same ? Does anyone face same issue before ?

  • Selimovich

    Ah I appreciate your decision and felt gratitude for it. Not certainly sure what really happens in exported html version, yet your feedback is invaluable as evaluation input.

    No worries alextro and I'm trying to get best from your code as well. Soon I will have few more questions but until that try to put coding desing at first place ( kinda mess to find something )

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  • alextro

    Finally I bought your template and it is working perfectly on my computer. Probably HMTL version you uploaded to Scirra store is wrong with something since that one is so slow.

    It is good work man. Trying to understand coding and to make something out of it .

  • I used to get a graphic first and based on that I made myself a story but still in forever time to build it