Just update Intel XK, rebuild your app and reupload to Google.
I was reading in Google Developers page (https://developers.google.com/games/ser ... savedgames) about the Saved Games feature.
As Construct 2 supports Google Play Games Service with its plugin, is it possible to use this API in C2? If no, do Scirra staff pretend to implement this feature in future?
Thank you.
Low FPS can to be many unnecessary events (like Every tick), HD images, graphic driver troubles, browser troubles...
You need to verify all possibilities.
How did you solve it?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
With this plugin you don't need to use Ajax. Are you using it?
Then just appoint the URL in plugin.
You can to put your doc in Files folder in your project and set plugin's URL to appoint the file.
Maybe with Pode HTML plugin (you can convert you .doc to .html, if plugin does not show the file)
You can create an arrow with main image point in its center. Move arrow's angle as you wish.
Use Bullet and Solid.
Is this framerate in your PC or mobile?
Use Is Layer X visible (or invisible)
Member since 3 Apr, 2014