Creo_Dev's Recent Forum Activity

  • I found out what was wrong, it was something in the code. I still don't know why the code didn't work but its fixed now, Thank you.

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  • It should work. If it's Construct that's crashing, please file a bug report following all the guidelines - we need all that information to help, since unfortunately it's impossible to fix problems from a brief description and some pictures.

    Where would i report a bug, sorry i have to ask.

  • Ok, thank you. I will do that now.

  • Those events look fairly standard, I don't see why it would crash. Maybe something is corrupted, did you try changing the save slot to see if it works?

    Yes i have tried changing the save slot, i had it set to a different one before but it crashed then so as you can see i changed it to the default save slot.

  • Im working on a game that has a save and load feature in it so the player can resume their progress from the title screen layout to the main layout. But when i click load it crashes the game. I saw this video

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    and they can load the game from their title screen layout. Can someone help me on this?

    Title screen load save code:

    Save game code(is on a different layout):

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Member since 6 May, 2020

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