mitchellmb's Recent Forum Activity

  • Aw man thanks so much. I thought I did that before and it didn't work. Thanks a lot for your help. I misused the conversion of the integer value to a float value. What a simple mistake. Thanks a ton again!

  • I'm trying to create an application that calculates standard deviation. Everything is working EXCEPT when I pulled the values from the array it does not finish the calculation highlighted. I want the mean to be subtracted from the value pulled from each array step and then squared. The array values are getting added to the sum_of_mean_differences which is good and then giving the square root but it's ignoring that vital step. The Data_Array_1.Mean)^2 step is just getting skipped and I have no idea why. Some help would be appreciated. Maybe something I am misunderstanding about local and global variables? Not sure. Any help is appreciated.

  • I'm having a problem with one of my calculations. Everything works except what is highlighted. For some reason it seems to skip that part of the equation for Data_Array_1.Mean)^2.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Hey, could you guys go into more detail in what you're talking about? I know what to do I just don't know how to show it to Construct 2 to get it to work.

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  • Thanks alot there Ashley. Much Appreciated.

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Member since 19 Mar, 2014

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