Spidder's Recent Forum Activity

  • Everyone always wants the limits higher, so they can avoid buying it for longer. I'm afraid it doesn't really make business sense to encourage that.

    We did open up the full tool during the Newgrounds jam to help iron out a lot of bugs, and it was very successful at that. C3 is already a lot more stable by now.

    Yeah paywalling hundreds of young students is a great business practice.

    The yearly payments are scummy and a community killer, btw. Tons of people just want to casually dabble in game development and have no guarantee that they'll finish a project in a year, or ever.

  • Hello! Is there a plugin that can handle large numbers (quintillion+) for an incremental idle game? If not, how hard would it be to hack one up using the C2 js API and this library (note I am only slightly familiar with actual programming and js)

  • I've found that it's pretty much impossible to have any sort of nice looking graphics at all on a 1gb ram device. Like it's not even the issue of performance at all (40 fps is playable). It's that it crashes and burns the moment it tries to load a large sprite sheet, no error or anything, app just up and quits...

    That's been my experience testing on a couple of samsung 1gb devices. Tried on a nexus with 2gb, runs perfect.

    Construct 2 estimated ram requiremenent for my game is ~200mb. Is there any way to see an estimation for ram requirement per layout?

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  • I'm getting the "The build failed. An error occurred while building the application. Verify your build assets are correct and try again." message when exporting for Android-Crosswalk. Just the above message, no other info, or option to view log. I've tried reuploading, restarting, making a new project etc. Nothing seems to work...

  • Because it doesn't. It works fine in the preview for my game, saving XP and player Level etc. When I upload it to Google Drive it doesn't.


    1. Is there a way to make it work in Drive

    2. Will it work for Android if I export with Cordova (<-this is the important thing)

    3. If there's no way to use webstorage with Google Drive, is there another way to test?

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Member since 17 Mar, 2014

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