I am not sure JavaScript is allowed to do that (for security reasons).
There is one library, and a few hacks that I found on StackOverflow:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1340 ... -save-file
You should be able to put exactly that in a "Browser: Execute JavaScript" event though.
I use that same behavior to transfer information between my Java servlets on the backend and my C2 HTML/JS on the front.
As far as I can tell, all that is doing is set each image as it's own page frame then making the scroll bar unit of movement = 1 page. You might have to break up your movie into a bunch of images and put them on frames in a Sprite in Construct, then do a "On mouse wheel down: Sprite.setFrame(Sprite.currentFrame +1)" and "On mouse wheel up: Sprite.setFrame(Sprite.currentFrame -1)".
I imagine there are plugins or external software that would help you break your movie into a sprite sheet.
Your artwork on Healer Quest is charming too. Almost makes me wish I had a smart phone... but not quite.
You really should ask Google first:
http://www.ghacks.net/2015/02/05/how-to ... of-choice/
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9943 ... -is-closed
All hail all-knowing Google.
Construct simply extends the basic APIs of all of these libraries into a visual format, localStorage.removeItem(key) is probably what you are looking for.
rexrainbow has a few plugins that might be of use:
Perhaps try a "Trigger once while true" condition. This has the effect of pausing any repetitive action sets for around 5 seconds or so, before it will be considered "available for use".
I doubt that there are any tutorials on this.
If you want to "remember" the order of the chain with pseudo-randomized variations, there are many way to do this. All of them involve some kind of temporary storage (arrays, dictionaries, etc.).
Google for "chrome web store" developer cross origin request":
https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/xhr from https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/faq
You need to be on the Network tab, not Elements. Then once you are on the Network tab, hit F5 (to refresh) and watch and see where it looks for those files. They have to be in the same location as your index.html file.
It looks like you are facing a cross origin problem also. You have to fix that on the server side by adding the HTTP header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You have to use Chrome Developer tools (Ctrl-Shift-I in Chrome Browser; Network tab) to see where your index.html expects those manifest files to be (manifest.json, appmanifest.json, and offline.appcache) and put them where it looks.
You create an array like:
for "index" 0 to 8
TextObject: append text "array.At(loopindex) & newline"
Member since 4 Mar, 2014