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  • I just start using Construct 3 so I have much to learn, but I really liked the Desktop build.

    It is much more comfortable than a browser with all the extra buttons, even full screen (F11) makes the edges looks weird, and addons that eat memory. Desktop Build is my choice. thanks for making it Scirra!

    Suggestions / Improvements:


    . Can you please make the UI to remember the last position and size (maximized or not) of the Desktop Window just like it used to be on Construct 2 ?

    In construct 2 it even remembers on which Monitor I last put the windows which I really like.

    My personal example: I'm using 3-4 screens (I'm an animator that's why) it's great for me to put the Event Sheets on one screen, Layouts on the other and the Animation Editor on the third one.

    Same for the side panels, I keep Re-Organized them wide / long etc... and whenever I restart C3 Desktop, it's reset to default. it will be great if Construct 3 will remember the last changes and have a preset option to save all these changes for other Workspaces for different setups.


    . Maybe it's because I'm new and I didn't found it yet, but is there an easier way to find the Grid or Views in general like we had in Construct 2 or I must go threw the MENU every time I want to make a change.

    Even simple task such as save as.. is weird.

    I'm aware that it's better to remember short-keys for everything, but in Construct 2 I didn't have to remember short keys and still everything was in front of my eyes it was very user-friendly.

    I understand that C3 is a new different deisng, but if we can have options to organized the workspace it will be great, presets will be an amazing addition.

    I'll keep explore C3, after all it's very new to me, please keep up the good job I can't wait to see what's coming next.

    * Sorry about my bad English.

  • Great upgrade to Construct 3 !

    The next step should be a permanent purchase option for those who can't stand subscription model.

    I hope to see this coming, for now... I'll have to use other options.

    Anyway, keep up the good job! it's looking great so far.

  • 8-BIT Castle Adventure — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>You can feel the good old 8-Bit and 16-Bit console era with the amazing vibe of a magical castle stage!</p><p>2 Versions included:</p>

    • Original Version
    • Loopable Version (neverending)
    • CHECK OUT: Tiny World!

    <p>This music will make your players want to explore the stage more and more. GET IT NOW!</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about 8-BIT Castle Adventure

  • Tiny World — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>Fun optimistic vibe music for your upcoming adventure game!</p><p>It will perfectly fit to any level of your game or even a bonus stage.</p><p>2 Versions included:</p>

    <p>What are you waiting for? grab it now and make your game sound more professional!</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Tiny World

  • Hi there, Alon,

    I'm not entirely sure what you're going for, but how about something like this?

    Thanks everybody for your kind helpful solutions!

    Purplemonkey you got it! that's what I was looking for. I will try to mess with it with stand animation instead of run/walk when not pressed see if it will also work.

  • Hey All!

    Situation: The player is moving to the right while I hold the right arrow key with WALK animation loop.

    This is what I want to do:

    When I press the S button (while walking), the player animation change to KICK and stand on the place BUT I'm still holding the Right Arrow key so when the KICK animation ends I want the player to continue moving to the right with the WALK animation.

    An explanation + capx file will be very helpful, thanks ahead!

  • hehe Jase00, I didn't think about minimaps and stuff like that... that's sound even more useful to me now.

  • shinkan that's actually a great tool I also never used it, thank you!

    Most 3rd party capture software let you capture the full screen, what if you have a long layout and you want to capture it on 100% zoom... same for a long long event sheet... that's another reason for a built-in button in C2 but... again, it's just me hehe

  • Hey Jase00,

    Thank you for your reply, I'm already have experience with capture software such as Camtasia Studio and many others but the thing is that they are 3rd party, means... not inside C2 with just 1 click away.

    So yes, it's not that complicated to capture a region or a screen using a 3rd party software, but I just thought it could be very useful for many future users like myself, or people who are not familiar with these capture options it could be a time saver, so our minds will stick to the programing/designing inside C2 without messing around with other things for just a quick screenshot.

    I agree, this is not the TOP feature... I just had to share because I feel like I could use such feature with a smile.

  • Yes! this is exactly what I was trying to do.

    I'm trying to understand the picking / UID and instance/global variables via the manual but believe it or not... the best way I've understood things in C2 were via Video Tutorials, maybe my brain gets it better that way because it actually shows me an example done a step by step.

    I'm trying to look for more video tutorials on these subject because I understand it's very important to understand how to use them and when, especially in more complicated situations... I must understood how it works in order to use them, that's for sure.

    Thank you once again for being so kind and patience with me, I appreciate it a lot.

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  • Hey Kyatric!

    I'm 100% agree with you that .capx file is the best way to show and explore, no doubt.

    But sometimes you still need to show something specific, so it can be a bonus.

    The cool thing that we already have is that we can select with ctrl the parts we want and it will "mark" it.

    Capturing isn't a complicated task, especially for people like myself (Animator) who mess with graphics most of the time. but I still believe it could be useful, not the BEST feature ever for sure, but I absolutely know that if I had this button I would click it many times by now hehe...

    C2 is so amazing... I came from "another" software... so I'm still learning it and every day I feel more and more "at home" which is the most important thing for me as a user.

  • I just had to look on your file, and read your instructions to follow. but it's not working (your file).

    I can still rotate everything under the shape I clicked.

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Member since 20 Feb, 2014

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