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  • It would probably apply more to bones.

    As an animator I would never animate deformations with bones (yes, it's an option, but not how I would do that anyway) when it comes to C3 or programming in general I'm clueless, I can't tell if C3 even supports bones or deformations.

    Just to be clear, I'm not talking about animating in C3 but just deforming a shape using drag and drop probably, I'm just guessing how super complicated it will be to code if it will be possible I'm still having hard time on very basic events hehe. :)

  • Construct 3 does not natively support sprite mesh deformation. I don't know if there are any third party plugins for it.

    I would look for a dedicated imaging program for this type of image manipulation. I believe Spine is a well known one, and Spriter 2 (not yet released) plans to support mesh deformation.

    I see, so this is a limitation of C3.

    I'm looking for a way for my users (who will use my software) to have more control, but I guess it's not possible with the built-in tools at the moment.

    Although I'm on the fence for third party editors since we now have timelines.

    I thought the timeline is for animating over time, not deforming shapes, but I may be confused after all I'm still a noob, I have much more to learn. :)

  • Loading an image in to a Sprite unloads and replaces the existing image. There's nothing you need to do to manage memory if you keep loading in different images, the old ones are already being released.

    That's great! so the users can switch images as they want with no worries!

    Because I would like people with low-memory / older computer to be able to use this feature.

    I still don't know how to unload the image, I didn't found any unload option while exploring it,

    Can anyone please show me how to do that via screenshot so I can follow ?

  • Add BinaryData object to your project.


    Now that it's imported how can I let the user remove it? (using a keyboard shortcut is fine)

    Do I remove it from the sprite? from the binary object? what's the most efficient way for memory cleanup consider the user can import image after image on the same session... how do I actually do that?

    You can easily tell how confuse I am.

  • Ashley Load image from file path works in Construct 2, that's why I posted it. Didn't know it doesn't work in C3 anymore.


    Thanks Ashley and dop2000

    I tried to follow the image but I got stuck when it asks for Destination parameter since it shows "No items" so I cannot proceed without choosing anything.

    Sorry for the confusion...

  • Sprite Load Image from NWjs.ChosenPath

    Thanks for the quick reply! :)

    I'm not sure if I got it correctly... what should I fix and how to make it work?

    When I choose the .PNG file, nothing happens I cannot see the image on the sprite which is waiting on the layout and it is visible (but the first frame is empty).

  • Hi All,

    Sorry for all the questions ;)

    I have a button called: "Btn_Import" I made the browser dialog to appear and let me select .PNG and .JPG files so far so good..

    Now, I want to PLACE the selected file in a specific frame of a specific sprite called: "BG_User"

    As you can see I've tried something but... I don't really know what I'm doing:

    Any tips doing this in the most efficient way?

    Screenshot of the code will be much easier for a noob like me to follow.

    Thanks ahead! :)


  • Hi All,

    Is there a way I can manually manipulate the shape of a sprite using C3?

    Something like this:

    If so, how do I even apply such feature?


  • You need to use Installation Software to package your app. Many of them have an option to register file associations. Here is an example link:

    I have never done this myself, so google is your friend :)

    Thanks for the suggestion dop2000 I remember using Installshield back when I used "Klik & Play" years ago (I'm a dinosaur!) :)

    Of course I did some google before (and still looking for info about it) but since I'm trying to learn how to make it ready for steam which is super complicated procedure from what I'm looking at their steamworks website I'm not sure if installation files are recommended, but a clean .exe (from the NWJS build in C3 case) but I don't have any experience with Steam which is much more complicated than I thought.

    If anyone here have some experience with this, please read again what I'm trying to achieve on the original post and share your experience, tips, help, Thanks ahead!

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  • Hi All,

    In my current project there is a SAVE / LOAD that creates an original file extension, for example: "Whatever.alon"

    When LOADING or just browsing on Windows 10 (my current system) obviously there are no specific icon for .alon files since windows doesn't know what they are.

    Just to be clear, I'm NOT talking about the standalone .exe file that I will finally export from C3 as NWJS.exe before publisihg but my very own file extension as I explained.


    1 - How can I make windows recognize the icons, so when a user will install it on their own OS these files will shown by the icon I decided.

    2 - What sizes of the File extension ICONS do I need to create so it will be shown in any browsing mode, for example: "Tiles", "Extra Large", "Details" and other VIEW options on Windows.

    3 - Will these File Extension ICONS be recognize also on Linux and Mac OS?

    (I'm just a windows user)

    If anyone here already released a public version on Steam, itch or other marketplaces it will be a great if you can share your experience of this.

    Thanks ahead for any help or explanation of the procedure.


  • Hi dop2000 sorry for the late reply,

    I just sent you an email while I'm still messing around with other things on my project because I'm crazy curious about so many things, feel free to update me via the email if you like, Thanks ahead! :)

  • By standalone you mean Desktop build? You can still open Console - just run the preview, press F12 and select Console tab.

    THANKS! yes I mean the desktop build (I hate working in a browser) WOW! that's cool! I didn't know that F12 secret works on the it.

    OK, so when I SHIFT + Right Mouse Button I get the text message, but I don't know what does it mean in my case, this is why I'm so confused no matter what I did it didn't cancel like in the other clean C3 project.

    What's making me go crazy is that it still ignore this event when EVERY other group is disabled, that's why I thought maybe it's something like a behavior or something else... but what do I know, only confusion.

    Is there a different way I can code this in order to make only SHIFT + Left button to work?

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Member since 20 Feb, 2014

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