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  • Question: What is the best way to store your coordinates?

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  • Thanks for the suggestions I will try that out.

  • How would you set up an event so that if you fall through a pit in a floor you fall through to a room if there is one below? I have my layouts transitioning fine from left to right, but I'm having a hard time setting it up so that if I fall through the floor it gets the appropriate room and drops you in.

    Any ideas?

  • Thanks for the reply. I just have a square for a collision polygon around the frames of animation. I am also checking for wall left and right and setting the animations to idle.

  • I am just getting into Construct2. I have a couple of basic rooms for a platformer and a basic character. I have the animation transitions set up so it is switching between idle and run and mirroring / not mirroring when turning left and right. When I run into a wall or block my character seems to get stuck in the idle position, so when I am moving through a room with steps i get stuck on the steps in idle and go through that way until I stop.

    I have included a capx file if anyone is interested in checking it out. If you run against the wall or move through the blocks in room 2 you will see what I mean.Any help is appreciated.

  • Ahhh I found it. Yup that was it! thanks a lot!

  • Thanks for getting back to me. I'm new to Construct. How do I check the collision polygon?

  • Hi everyone. I'm new to Construct. I am trying to get a simple character animation set up. I have everything set in the animation editor, but when I test run the game my character falls part way through all blocks on the screen. Like his feet are buried. Then when the idle animation loops he pops up above the platform then back down, back up, back down. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong here. Can anyone help me out? Here is a link to the file in case anyone wants to see it in action. ... proj1.capx

    If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it!

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Member since 20 Feb, 2014

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