Huh, didn´t know Kongregate is sort of "shutting down". But I really wonder what all those sites will do considering probably 90+% of their content are flash games...
Onwards to r300!
On to a new beta cycle!
I don´t know if this is an issue that recently emerged but tiles cannot be drawn at x = 0 or y = 0. They just get ignored and left empty. I´ve dug through the code a bit and I cannot really tell why that would be happening. The arraymask is correctly set to true, but for some reason arraymsk[x][y] ends up beeing "false" right after. Really odd and I have no clue why that would be.
The new pin is really cool, a much needed upgrade!
The king is dead, long live the king!
Haven´t tried it but this is so useful! <3
Enjoy the holidays, on to a new year of C3 goodness!
Once you end up with a bunch of families it will get a bit cluttered. I can use subfolders everywhere else (objects, layouts, scripts, files, animations, eventsheets,...) so why not for families? I just like to organize things.
Nice, but I´m still waiting for the day that Families will support subfolders :I
"Move to" is particularely nice for tower defense games, as you only have to do the pathfinding once (or whenever you need it updated) and then simply use "move to" for everything.
Sure thing, np.
Mythology you say? Behold!
Alright, I´ve updated the addon. Make sure you read the release notes for how to update since this is a breaking change!
Let me know if it works out. Cheers!
Is it possible for you to stay at the last version it did work?
Either way, the addon only uses variadic in the initializeTimeline action. If you don´t use that feature it would be rather easy to just remove it. Else I think it isn´t too hard to change it either, but I don´t know how it will behave in terms of compatibility... you might have to remove all initializeTimeline from your project temporarely, update the addon, then add them back again.
Ashley: If I deprecate the action with the variadic, will construct still refuse to load it?
Member since 18 Feb, 2014
err ok 15 characters I hope I don´t make mistakes