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  • This info might help too Lof...

    Version by API level:

    Android 1.0 (API level 1)

    Android 1.1 (API level 2)

    Android 1.5 Cupcake (API level 3)

    Android 1.6 Donut (API level 4)

    Android 2.0 Eclair (API level 5)

    Android 2.0.1 Eclair (API level 6)

    Android 2.1 Eclair (API level 7)

    Android 2.2–2.2.3 Froyo (API level 8)

    Android 2.3–2.3.2 Gingerbread (API level 9)

    Android 2.3.3–2.3.7 Gingerbread (API level 10)

    Android 3.0 Honeycomb (API level 11)

    Android 3.1 Honeycomb (API level 12)

    Android 3.2 Honeycomb (API level 13)

    Android 4.0–4.0.2 Ice Cream Sandwich (API level 14)

    Android 4.0.3–4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich (API level 15)

    Android 4.1 Jelly Bean (API level 16)

    Android 4.2 Jelly Bean (API level 17)

    Android 4.3 Jelly Bean (API level 18)

    Android 4.4 KitKat (API level 19)

    From my Playstore Developer console stats - TOP 10 ANDROID VERSIONS FOR ARCADE

    Android 4.1 - 26.18%

    Android 4.0.3 - 4.0.4 - 19.21%

    Android 4.2 - 17.29%

    Android 2.3.3 - 2.3.7 - 14.05%

    Android 4.4 - 12.18%

    Android 4.3 - 6.41%

    Android 2.2 -2.34%

    Android 3.2 - 1.36%

    Android 3.1 - 0.51%

    Android 2.1 - 0.30% ... ld-options

  • Managed to finally get my existing C2 build with crosswalk created. The upgrade of my xdk project may have been the issue, but not really sure. Just created a new Intel XDK project then export C2 build to the www folder again and it worked.

  • I get that emulation error too Lof ...

    Missing API Emulation


    I had no luck still building even with moving the assets anyway.

    I will just stick with build 0876 for now.

  • are you able to post all your settings you use in the Intel XDK Crosswalk build please? I've tried with a blank project and it still says build assets fail error, same as the others.

    The upload of my project zipping files is super quick, seems to not be uploading properly or something :S

  • Hmm same issue here. It's a bit more complicated now. I thought it was related to the launch icons and splashscreens, but I set them and it still failed :S

  • not long now I hope!

  • Thanks I guess that will work for when the mobile app is open. I was looking for something that you could calculate time passed while the app is closed as well.

  • Hi,

    I want to include a Point System that you earn 10 points every 2 hours for example.

    So would the best way be to just record the date and time in web storage. So ..

    1. During the game monitor time passed, if 2 hours passed add 10 points.

    2. Record the time on exit of the app, and check the time elapsed on next open.

    I couldn't find anything relating to this, but I don't want to re-invent the wheel if someone has a plugin or something for this already?


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  • Hi,

    Hard to know the causes without seeing some capx or your events. Maybe check the z-order, is it on top? Have you right clicked the object and go align -> layout -> center

    horizontal and vertical. Is it set to "visible" on player destroyed?

  • Perfect thanks Helps a lot.

    I'm using it so the player has to scrub the enemy objects off the screen. So I just changed the expressions.

  • Hi,

    Is there a way to check an object is 100% overlapping/covering another object?


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