ajvar23's Recent Forum Activity

  • afte 2 days trying i finally managet make this works

    thanx to all


    Edit: https://www.scirra.com/manual/188/local-storage

    "This is also separate to the browser cache"

    so, if i make build for android and ios, this save will still work?

    If somebody clears cookies, cache or anything in phone or browser, will he lose save data?

  • HI all.

    i have problem, when game start i set on loader layout "on start layout -> load game from slot "Save" " and it hits me in the middle of game where was saved and play music from current load state, not from beginning.

    But what i actually want to save only global variables, and on loading screen just to load global variables values and then when load complete to go on main menu layout. i dont want load anything else but global variable values.

    is this posible? i really need this.

  • HI, i recently updated intel SDK and got milions problem with my app and games

    • on start of game cordova splash screen apears even i disabled in code :
    <preference name="SplashScreen" value="false" /> <!-- defaults to "img/logo.png" -->
            <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="0" /> <!-- defaults to "3000" -->
            <preference name="SplashScreenBackgroundColor" value="black" /> <!-- defaults to "#464646" -->[/code:25ii736v]
    [url=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30159850/Screenshot_20160619-121326.png]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/301 ... 121326.png[/url]
    it apears over my logo and looks werry bad.
    -afer update my game and upload to Google play, updates on phones didnt start automaticly, it need be done manually. and after update it delete icon form "desktop" on mobile and i need to go to application list to add it again.
    	[li]other aplication i build im using battery to show power status:[/li]
    [/ul][url=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30159850/ewqdefd.png]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/301 ... wqdefd.png[/url]
    aplication crashes every time and wont render more than half stuff on screen.
    wont work even in emulator in intel xdk
    vibration and sound wont work ether.
    before i didnt have any problem, i used crosswalk for android to export apk, but now this cordova messed up everyhitng
  • https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30159850/system.rar

    here is what i did

    idea is next:

    make exactly same move of sprites like in this mini game on windows 7

    so i did mechanism for that, but, its to complicated but it works perfect

    its there any simpler solution?

  • so, i make test project for splashscreen

    and i setup all things like on tutorials "Supporting multiple screen sizes" and "How to export to Android with Crosswalk"

    so, i put in event "on start of layout" to make fullscreen, but not working

    i also put that in project properties and same

    but when i make sprite and setup click action to make fullscreen, then stuff works

    1. so, is there any possible way to make fullscreen happend on game launch?

    2. i use intel XDK to export game for android, and there they have thier own splashscreen stuff to upload images and icons, so there is no need to make it inside of construct2? because it didnt use it as splashscreen even i set in project properties to make first layout as splashscreen, i still saw loading and consturct icon on start but not stuff i set inside of layout, just after that loading, that first layout witch should be splashscreen apear normaly.

    what to do about that?


  • Thank youuuuu soooooo much :****

  • https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/301 ... roblem.rar

    here is simple example of my problem

    So: i have one red sprite with path find behavior, and this sprite is in "house"

    other sprite is outside

    and there is "gate"

    and when i click open gate, gate rotate for 90 and there is enough space for get out

    but this red sprite just dont want get out, like is still closed

    other example is, if i move that gate to be like open, and then test it again, and after i clik few times "open gate" it will be like "closed" , and if you click start, sprite will move trought that solid gate.

    so: problem is path find use just position of solid object on start of layout, and after they move arond he dont care about they moved, and he act like on start layout

    i was trying with "every tick" or "every second" but still he calculate that positions form beggin of layout

    what is solution?

  • thanx for answer.

    im still struggling with that and need some help; in last 3 days i was try many options but none of them work.

    it should be more easyer if there is way to make movement like:

    "on click" -> "sprite1" = - "sprite1" set direction to "empty space"

    - "sprite1" move for 100px over 1 second

    so after that sprite1 will be on that empty space.

    bullet behavior making weird movement, when it finds angle (for example he need go 100 px up), it always move 1 px on left when going up.

  • here is problem that i want solve:

    on click -> move object-> empty space next to object

    i want sprite move exactly as ''picture puzzle'' gadget on windows 7

    there is no behavior witch can make this simple and i don't have idea hot to do it.

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  • i find and it works, thanx so much man !!!

    you deserve one beer! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • yea, that i need! but how?

    i still cant find any option in system to do that

  • anyone help?

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