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  • I had already done that part of making two 'touching' spaces on each side of the screen but I guess I got my programming wrong, gonna try that, thanks a lot!

    Edit: It doesn't seem to have worked, now it's even worst :\ I'm gonna try to roll back changes and try to figure it out...

  • I'm creating a simple pong game for both PC and mobile and I'm having this problem with binding each 'panel' to two, different, touches which each are separated on each of the screen's half. I think I'm already able to make only one panel move with a touch on a specific spot, but when I try having two touches, it simply breaks and the last touch gets to control both panels. I've tried writing TouchID's to variables but it's way more confusing then it should be. Big question short: how exactly does one use TouchID to manage two touches on separate sides of a screen, to control completely different and/or opposite things?

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  • I'm having some fun with it by doing a flamethrower, I've set them to 15º both and made the fade in and out times quicker and the speed higher. It's so fun to kill everything with fire haha

  • I'm going to try that out, really thanks for the reply!


    That worked like a charm, thanks a lot!

  • I'm playing around with the top down shooter from one of the tutorials here and I'm trying to make a "bullet spread" item. Preferably I wanted to make it at random angles within a certain angle space oriented by the player's own angle. It'd be something like a "triangle" in which bullets are shot at random angles within it. My question is: is it possible to do so? And if so, how?

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Member since 13 Feb, 2014

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