Your game sounds less 'flappy bird' and more 'infinite runner', although flappy bird is of course an infinite runner in itself in a way, so some of the same principles hold true. Have you had a look at the infinite runner example in C2? I also wrote a small tutorial about infinite runners, but I don't think this covers what we're discussing right now.
I'd like to see a .capx if possible of your attempt with ScrollTo. In my experience, the issue with using ScrollTo for infinite runners is that it in my opinion it gives you less control over certain aspects of the game. Object instance generation and termination are much easier to handle, for example.
Hi SeriouslyCrunchy,
I have to admit, I haven't actually looked at the infinite runner example - although I just had a look for it now in the example projects and couldn't find it at all? Do you know what it's called?
Would you link me to your tutorial? Any and all opportunities to learn are always welcome even if it is not 100% applicable here!
Unfortunately I cant upload my capx - but I can describe to you EXACTLY how my ScrollTo works.
My ScrollTo behaviour is implemented on my player object (by just adding the behaviour from the behaviour panel).
My player object then moves forwards like so:
PlayerObject| Set X to Self.X + 240 *dt.
My levels are pretty long (14,000 px horizontal) but not infinite and have a variety of different objects within them!
Am I doing this the best way?