adrian.greenhorse's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello guys!


    I developed a Playable Ad for Facebook using R268 and whatever I tried to do the build will just not work. It gave no error on Facebook Preview tool but the demo will only show a black screen. Then I spoke with a colleague who developed another ad earlier this year, but he was using R225 and his Ad worked. So I moved all my assets and events to R225 and it worked for me as well.


    I presume something happened between releases and Facebook doesn't like it. Any idea what could have gone wrong?

    Thank you!

  • > > TomaszEnhance thank you very much. I got through. One question though, am I able to change the icon for the notification?


    > What is the icon is it the default c3 icon or is it your project icon?

    By default it's an app icon, but you can try to change it by creating the "loc_notification_icon" drawable ("loc_notification_icon.png" file in "res/drawable-nodpi" dir).

    Hello! I dont understand how to change notification icon, by default it takes app icon but if my app icon dont have transparent background i see only a gray square, i am bound to use transparent icon and i dont want that.

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  • Yes but more simple, only id = id_96, no need for loop. :D


  • Hello!

    I have ths strings in an array (id_1,id_2,id_3,id_4 ..... id_25,id_26).

    I need to know how to i get only numbers from that string and eliminate "id_"?

    Thank you!


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Member since 2 Dec, 2019

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