DialgaBrite's Recent Forum Activity

  • DUTOIT, please don't make such accusations publically, ask one of us mods first via PM if you suspect a second account is in use. He does in fact not appear to be Ashesh. Thank you for apologizing about it, regardless.

    Using copyrighted graphics isn't a big deal in most cases. I, and many, many other people, started game making with them (I made a prototype of a side scrolling chrono trigger smash bros type thing). It's immoral if you charge for it, but DialgaBrite hasn't indicated as such. It's not even a lack of respect that causes people to use them - it's often because they do respect how great they are.

    It is a problem when users won't make the effort to learn for themselves, but getting upset when it happens is a problem as well. Yes, it's frustrating and trying to one's patience when a user wants everything done for them. I get it. But if you don't feel like helping someone anymore, or can't keep calm about it, it's better to just stop responding. When people do things like take out their frustrations about a trend of behavior by multiple users on a single user or call people out with terms like 'thief' it just escalates things and makes everyone unhappy. It can also result in people taking out their frustrations on people who HAVE actually put in some effort. It often can make the situation worse than just leaving it alone, as in this case, scaring off a user from asking questions in the future.

    This thread wasn't unreasonable. Other people have made the same request to be able to import animated gifs. As far as I know, copying and pasting animation frames between animations isn't possible and I would like that feature too. Maybe I'm wrong and there IS a way to do so because I haven't read every page of the entire manual either, because that specific feature at the time would have taken longer to look up than to just import the frame twice.

    Let's all chill, okay?

    Thank you so much for this post. I often have trouble expressing myself, but this expresses a lot of my feelings in so many ways.

  • >

    > I have no clue what DUTOIT is talking about. I payed for construct, I am not this ashesh person. I am not a troll. I made a legitimate topic with suggestions. I have made legitimate topics asking for help before, and I am thankful for the help I got. I am not an "I want this done for me brigade". I am legitimately willing to learn. However, I don't always pick up on simple things right away, even if I read the manual. Everyone learns things differently, and some people have learning disabilities. I really don't understand this. I started a legitimate topic, in the appropriate section, and now I am being accused of being a troll and this ashesh person. And people are acting like I am the bad guy. What gives?


    I apologize, the timing must be coincidence. I have no doubt the mods will check ip's and get to the bottom of it.

    Understand this is not the first time a person has had multiple accounts. Apologies you caught in middle.

    Ashesh pirated software, both construct and other software, he also got upset with me when I refused to help him on many many occasions. I draw a line when a kid ruins it for everybody. He took away a good thing that scirra did and flushed it down the toilet. Anyways. Hope your IP isn't his, and I AM SORRY.

    But scirra should have got rid of this troll months ago, and I have better things to do.


    Maybe monday I see someone in need of help and jump back in, but right now I really don't feel like helping anymore.

    Either way, you weren't very nice to me. You made me really afraid to participate in the forum now.


    Don't let them get to you. Just don't engage with them - report them instead. It's up to the mods to deal with them, hopefully a little more harshly then they usually do.

    These forums are getting too full of the 'I want this done for me' brigade.

    I have no clue what DUTOIT is talking about. I payed for construct, I am not this ashesh person. I am not a troll. I made a legitimate topic with suggestions. I have made legitimate topics asking for help before, and I am thankful for the help I got. I am not an "I want this done for me brigade". I am legitimately willing to learn. However, I don't always pick up on simple things right away, even if I read the manual. Everyone learns things differently, and some people have learning disabilities. I really don't understand this. I started a legitimate topic, in the appropriate section, and now I am being accused of being a troll and this ashesh person. And people are acting like I am the bad guy. What gives?

  • >

    > And as I said in my last reply, it doesn't solve my problem. Is there really a reason why I can' just import a gif and have it insert all the frames? This worked REALLY well in MMF. Construct may be mostly better, but it has some weak points.


    Yes it does. And my vibe was correct. Did you bother doing the tutorial?

    First you will have to find a gif. For the Example i use this Fire...

    Step 1:

    First to do is you have to "Decompose" the gif. This you can do very simple on this Site: http://uk.bloggif.com/gif-extract

    Step 2:

    Now you can Download a ZIP file. Once you have downloaded the zip, you have to decompress it somewhere on you computer. In this Folder now shud be a couple of Pictures.

    Step 3:

    Well now you just make a new Sprite in your Project,

    According to manual:

    Right Click import frames

    It will open a browse folder.

    Go to that Folder unzipped folder and click first image hold shift and select last image and click open.

    And bob's your uncle.


    > And I am sick of people giving me "warnings" which I always take with a grain of salt. NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME! Just like nothing is going to happen to the creator of MegaPony, or the creator of Megaman Unlimited, or the creator of Mavericks 3 (those are all games with ripped graphics that I named, and GOOD games at that).


    Well something is going to happen. Brace yourself... I will no longer help you as you show zero respect to fellow artists.

    And I cannot be associated with thieves!

    No loss to you, i'm a nobody. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

    Edit: Hello Ashesh,

    So you created a new account. Told you my vibe was right... YOU ARE A THIEF.

    For those not in the Know how, this guy was given a free copy of construct 2 personal edition, and he pirated it all over the internet.

    Ashley, Tom

    Here is his pm - he hates me <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

    I am not this "ashesh" person. I am dialga-brite. Creator of Innocent Luna Game and Meloetta: Melody of Discord in a copy of MMF I bought and paid for. I never gave pirated copies of construct. I paid for it, and I have a medal to show it. I have no clue what you are talking about there, and it really hurts me that you make such assumptions.

    All I am guilty of is missing the fact that you can import all the frames at once with shift-click. And that was an honest mistake.

    It just so happens that I am not big on copyright. Given the number of games out there with ripped graphics, including the megaman example here on this forum, I can't be the only one. Just because I am against copyright does not automatically make me this other person who I know absolutely NOTHING about!

    My problem with the animated gifs is solved now, but you really didn't have to treat me like trash.

  • >

    > Actually, I read the fabulous manual, did you read my badges? Those links say nothing about copying and pasting frames from one animation to another, and a sprite strip/sheet is a different thing from a gif. I am not as inexperienced as you think, you just got a bad vibe from me in that other topic. I already apologized, okay?


    Straight from the manual:

    [quote:279i70qu]Right-click a space in the animation frames bar for the following options:

    Add frame Add a new blank animation frame to the end of the sequence.

    Duplicate last frame Make a copy of the last animation frame and add it to the end of the sequence.

    Reverse frames Reverse the order of all the frames in the animation.

    Import frames Opens a dialog to select one or more image files from disk. All the selected image files are added as animation frames.

    Import sprite strip Import a sprite strip or tileset, where a single image contains a number of animation frames aligned to a grid. This is done with the Import Sprite Strip dialog.

    Reload files from disk Reload all the images from the project folder. This is useful if you have edited the images in the project folder while Construct 2 is open and want Construct 2 to recognise the changes. (This option is disabled if you're not using a project folder.)

    Thumbnail size Adjust the size of the thumbnail icons of each frame in the bar.

    As megatronx says you can import animations from tiles. Both tutorials will guide you through it.

    and yes, I got a bad vibe from your previous post, and as you can see I am still trying to help you, even though I got a bad vibe.

    And according to your badges, now that you bring them up - you haven't even read 20 pages of the manual.

    Be careful, copyright doesn't only apply to selling. It is in using, and even worse is giving away other peoples artwork for free. Just a heads up, and warning.

    And as I said in my last reply, it doesn't solve my problem. Is there really a reason why I can' just import a gif and have it insert all the frames? This worked REALLY well in MMF. Construct may be mostly better, but it has some weak points. As for copyright, I have been making fan games for years. And I am sick of people giving me "warnings" which I always take with a grain of salt. NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME! Just like nothing is going to happen to the creator of MegaPony, or the creator of Megaman Unlimited, or the creator of Mavericks 3 (those are all games with ripped graphics that I named, and GOOD games at that).

  • Go trough those two tutorials

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/413/di ... -animation

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/458/us ... onstruct-2

    That second tutorial is good and all, except it would require me to import hundreds of frames, one at a time. MMF let me simply import the gif and I would automatically have all the frames.

  • You can import animations from tiles.

    I'm not sure what that means. Would you mind explaining what you mean by tiles? All I know is that my games usually use pokemon sprites as enemies, their animations have 100+ frames, I can import them just fine as a gif in MMF, and no, it doesn't cause lag. Also, **** fopyright. I'm not selling anything (that last bit was a reply to the guy who posted before you, megatronx).

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  • > I thought of some new suggestions. They involve the animation editor.

    > I want the ability to import an animated gif and turn it into an animation.

    > I also want the ability to copy and paste frames, including from one animation to another.

    > MMF had these things.

    > Since I have been exploring construct a little more, I have noticed quite a number of small things that are better in it than in MMF. for example, the "ping pong" thing in the animation editor. It's those little touches that make it better. However, there are also some little touches MMF has that construct doesn't.


    > While I was typing this I thought of something else. The ability to do something to a frame such as rotate it, colorize it, scale it, etc, and have it automatically create the frames for it to animate such an effect using the number of frames you choose. Game Maker is VERY superior in this aspect. MMF has a little bit of it, but not as much as GM.


    > Finally, I want to praise construct on the fact that you don't have to copy and paste every object into every frame. I had an MMF game with like 32 frames, each with the player object in them. After the fact I decided to give her more animations, and I had to paste them onto the player object on every frigging frame!


    I suggest you read the manual here, here.

    I suggest you familirize yourself with the software and plugins and tools as so far all your suggestions can already be done.

    Have a look here,

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    , here

    Remember: This is a game building engine, not a image editor/animation maker - for these you have external tools.

    Other softwares try to be everything to everyone, and they loose sight of there core functionality.

    Construct 2 is a game building engine, it has core updates almost weekly (unmatched by competitor products) because C2 understands that there are better external softwares for the job.

    Have a look at the links I gave. Spend time building the examples found within the software. Click new and browse down the list to all the examples etc.

    Learn your toolset, and build awesome games. The biggest issue that faces you is lack of knoweledge. Remember, in life, you have to be both the student, and the teacher - go teach yourself by using the awesome resources available. Oh, just found this.

    Stick to learning this amazing software - devote an hour a day for 90 days. Then come back here, and offer your suggestions based on your experience (because at the moment you don't have much).

    Also, when you get stuck, which you will - I garentee it, this community are very helpful as long as you show (you are willing to learn, you have tried and failed a few times, you can offer up proof of your attempts, are open to being pushed to grow your understanding a little, etc etc)

    I prefered GM in the beginning, but realized it was only because I was used to it. Now after spending a considerable amount of time on C2, I can say, I prefer how c2 handles things. Give it some time, takes a fair amount to get used to something. I have no doubt it will grow on you too

    [quote:3oguz222]It was so annoying! I really would however, like the ability to import an animated gif. I import pokemon graphics with hundreds of frames quite a lot.

    Photoshop unpacks the image perfectly and you can use a better software to get it game ready. Hundreds of frames is not recommended - try spriter or anime studio.

    Your game is going to use to many resources, run out of mem or cpu.

    And be carefull. Those graphics are copyrighted. Unless you have permission, you can't use it. Stay away from gifs, unless you have made them yourself.

    Actually, I read the fabulous manual, did you read my badges? Those links say nothing about copying and pasting frames from one animation to another, and a sprite strip/sheet is a different thing from a gif. I am not as inexperienced as you think, you just got a bad vibe from me in that other topic. I already apologized, okay?

  • I thought of some new suggestions. They involve the animation editor.

    I want the ability to import an animated gif and turn it into an animation.

    I also want the ability to copy and paste frames, including from one animation to another.

    MMF had these things.

    Since I have been exploring construct a little more, I have noticed quite a number of small things that are better in it than in MMF. for example, the "ping pong" thing in the animation editor. It's those little touches that make it better. However, there are also some little touches MMF has that construct doesn't.

    While I was typing this I thought of something else. The ability to do something to a frame such as rotate it, colorize it, scale it, etc, and have it automatically create the frames for it to animate such an effect using the number of frames you choose. Game Maker is VERY superior in this aspect. MMF has a little bit of it, but not as much as GM.

    Finally, I want to praise construct on the fact that you don't have to copy and paste every object into every frame. I had an MMF game with like 32 frames, each with the player object in them. After the fact I decided to give her more animations, and I had to paste them onto the player object on every frigging frame! It was so annoying! I really would however, like the ability to import an animated gif. I import pokemon graphics with hundreds of frames quite a lot.

  • > I am sorry if I did anything in that other topic that was perceived as mean


    We frequently have topics like the one you saw. Forum regulars quickly become tired, I hope you can see why. Some of them are made by people we respect, and when that happens we have a civilized discourse. When some new guy with 2 posts comes here and starts bashing, I have a lot less patience.

    Again, I am sorry if I did anything that was perceived as mean. However I still think that if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all. Even if the other person is wrong. I assume you have heard sayings such as that, right?

    And for the record, I CAN see why. As long as people try their best to be plesant in all circumstances, then I guess everything is fine.

  • Alright, I just tried SplinePath, and it seems I can't edit the path in the editor. MMF and GM both had a drag and drop interface for "drawing" the path. But it seems there is no way to do that here? Do I really truly have to define everything in the event editor, point by point? In MMF, I usually use this for bosses, that move all around the screen. It would be VERY helpful to actually be able to SEE where the boss is gonna go while looking at the layout in the editor, with all the platforms and other objects, while seeing the boss positioned in the layout at the starting point. In MMF I simply draw the path, then tell it to not be moving at start, after the dialog when the battle begins, I tell it to start moving. Or I can simply set the speed (this is kinda hard to explain in detail).

  • Just for clarification.... is THIS the path plugin being talked about?:

    Also, the ways you are describing counters sound more complicated than it was in MMF. However, that might simply be because I am fairly new to the program and haven't explored enough. Also don't forget, I also mentioned Interface Bar. To clarify that is NOT a default MMF extension, it's the equivelent of a 3rd party plugin. But it has served me quite well in my days of making games with MMF.

    Sorry that clickteam is going to hell, according to you. While I cannot completely verify what you said, it sounds believable based on my experience with them. I agree with you that Game Maker is overpriced as well. First it was completely free, then it was "just give us a little money to support us" but now they have gone the full fledged corporate route. It went from about $25 (I think?) to $40 and now they released Game Maker Studio, with laughable differences, for $99. I can only hope that my experience with the Construct community is different. I am sorry if I did anything in that other topic that was perceived as mean, however it is understandable that if a member of a community says it is friendly, I must take it with a grain of salt... however people's actions will speak louder than words. Though I guess in this case actions are also words, but also their behavior over time. If this community continually treats me well, then I will have a good view of it. But I can't just blindly believe someone who says it is friendly without having been here and experiencing it's behavior for a while.

    I also want to point out, however, that individual games made with these programs can still be good, depending on the skills of the person using the program, and I think it is very wrong when someone is biased against a game simply because it's made with Game Maker, etc. Not saying you did that, I just wanted to point that out.

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Member since 1 Feb, 2014

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