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  • ok sir thank you i got the idea now, ill try it on and see if it works with my level select or if i follow it right <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • blue ill try that.. thanks but can u explain a little more..

    like if i put an instance variable then should i delete my for example currentlevel global variable?

  • i edited my post i post my capx with . on the start just remove it you can download it thanks

    i dont have levelupgrade but i have currentlevel = 0

    then after i finish a level

    add 1 to currentlevel

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  • guys sorry for the trouble but i've been having trouble with my level select been trying out lots of level select here in the forum but to no avail i failed.. i am almost there but i got some problems whenever a finish a level sometimes i open 2 levels above instead of only one.. can someone please help me, been trying to solve this issue for almost a month

    my game is like angry birds and my level select + star system is also alike from angry birds..

    the bug that i have is

    1.) when i finish a level and back to level select i unlock 2 levels ahead of me and i don't know at what instance it will happen it is random.

    here is my capx just remove the . on the start thanks for the help in advance


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