> > Setting the scale of the layer to such an enormously high number isn't what you are after..
> > If you set the width of the bar to viewportright()-viewportleft(), however..
> >
> Yes, that would work, but I need not just that bar but the other items on the layer resized too, all of the score and life and health numbers. 1.3 isn't enormously high for a layer scale, it's only a third(ish) bigger. Can I scale a whole group of items so they're exactly the same relative size? If not, that's why I wanted to use a dynamic layer scale figure depending on the resolution of the players screen.
Why would you use layer scale?
Everything does get scaled automatically..
You didn't want to scale the bar, you wanted to stretch it, that's the difference..
LittleStain No, I want to scale it, retaining the correct height as well for the bar, I could mock up the bar with some counters and text on it to make it appear more like an HUD if you need? If I stretch the bar, it would look odd when it has HUD items on it, and I would need to get those stretched too, which is why I need it scaling to the right width whilst retaining the correct height. I need the correct height to be retained when the width is met with the side of the screen. I can't see why scaling the layer would be the wrong way of doing this?