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  • wow pretty amazing, saves so much photoshop work here. =D Thanks so much!

  • The normal path finding behavior dose not work because the sprites won't stay in a 32x32 grid, I also tried a plugin I found called AStar path finding, but that don't work for me because it goes out of the 'movement range' tiles that I need my sprites to stay on. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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    haha! Got it, just combine for the link to the .capx file.

  • So I was wondering if any of you awesome forum people could help me fix a few small things bugging me that I can't for the life of me figure out.

       Here goes: So after many many attempts to create a tactics like movement system, like final fantasy tactics or fire emblem, I managed to get something good working, with a few small things that bug me.

       The hero and the enemy's take turns moving on a 32x32 grid, and can move a certain radius depending on their 'move' stat. To accomplish this I create 'move boxes' in a radius around the sprite that is moving and they can move to any one of the 'move boxes'.

    The problem is the enemy can move through the hero, (not on top of the hero, thanks to destroying 'move boxes' that collide with the hero) to get to a move box on the other side of the hero. Likewise the hero can move through enemy's(but not on top of them) to get to a move box. Very frustrating.

    What I want to happen is if the hero is in the way of the enemy getting to their target move box, they go around the hero. Same with the enemy in the way of the hero getting to it's target move box, that way enemy's can box in the hero if they are surrounding him.

    So TLDR: I need my 'hero' sprite to find a path around a 'enemy' sprite and not go through it, while staying in a 32x32 grid.

    If anybody can understand this jumbo topic please please help

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I can't post the link to the .capx thanks to the great 'spam' blocking software on this website so if anybody knows a way for me to post it, I have it uploaded.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

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Member since 18 Jan, 2014

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