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  • Problem Description

    A multiplayer project has a player object being sync'd to all peers that spawns new objects that are also being sync'd to all peers.

    The new objects are being associated with the multiplayer peer that spawned them using the Multiplayer.Associate object with peer action.

    When the host destroys a spawned object it is immediately destroyed on the host but on the client peers there is a delay of a couple of seconds before the same object is destroyed.

    If you do not use the Multiplayer.Associate object with peer action then the object is immediately destroyed on the host and client peers.

    The problem was also reported in this thread:

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    The Capx is a modified Scirra Multiplayer Pong tutorial that demonstrates the problem.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Run two instances of the capx project and start a new game with the host and client peer in separate browser windows that you can see at once.
    • There are no player controls, the game will automatically fire two coloured balls from each player using a repeating timer - blue balls are associated objects and the red balls are not associated. Balls are destroyed when they collide with the barrier.

    Observed Result

    You will see on the host screen that both ball types are destroyed immediately when they hit the barrier but on the client peer screen the blue balls (associated) will pass through the barrier and after a couple of seconds will be destroyed.

    Expected Result

    The blue balls that are associated objects should be destroyed immediately on the client peer just as they are destroyed immediately on the host.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 SP1 64 bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r222 64bit

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  • > Any insight on the points above and how they will work in C2 in the future would be greatly appreciated


    You should be able to do all that as we get more and more support inside Spriter and the plugin for subentities. I know that's a bit of a vague answer, but I don't have ETAs for any of this yet, but that's one of the very things sub-entities were created for. In C2 it will either actually add additional scml objects for each sub-entity which will be controlled by the main scml object, but which you can override, or it will be one scml object where you can give animation commands through the main object. Probably the first one. Within Spriter we will expand on the sub-entity ui to make it easier to build and test compound characters like this.

    Thanks lucid !

  • Hi lucid,

    I am hoping you can clarify what will be possible using one complete skeleton per character in future Spriter and C2 plugin releases. I have attached a .capx with a basic skeleton to illustrate what I am talking about.

    At the moment to achieve the goals below I would need to split my skeleton into at least two parts. More splits will be needed if more character complexity is required in the future. Splitting is just not an acceptable solution.

    I would like to be able to:

    1) Animate "Legs" Block A with walk, run, walk/run blend, etc animations that are independent of the upper body.

    2) Change the angle of the bone that "Torso" Block C pivots on at runtime to enable a mouse-aim type feature.

    3) Animate "Arms" Block D with animations that are independent of the lower body so I can blend and change the speed of the animations without effecting the lower body animation speed.

    Any insight on the points above and how they will work in C2 in the future would be greatly appreciated

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Member since 17 Jan, 2014

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