Cordova Plugin for StartApp Ads.
[ Supports C3 build ] Firebase Analytics + In-App Messaging, Check the documentation.
[ basic ] Facebook Audience Network Ads, Support BANNER, INTERSTITIAL, VIDEO REWARDED.
[ Tapdaq ] The Ultimate App Monetisation Platform [ AdColony, Adomb, AppLovin, Chartboost,Facebook FAN, InMobi, Maio, Pangle, Tapjoy, UnityAds, Vungle, YouAppi ]
this plugin is used for check your app update through play store and if any new version available download by using immediate or flexible option.
Play Youtube Videos in a native Video Player on Android & iOS.
Use in cases where you'd otherwise use InAppBrowser, InAppBrowser uses the slow UIWebView (even when you're using a WKWebView plugin!), this plugin uses the ultra fast Safari Webview.
Adds support for Flurry Analytics to your Cordova or PhoneGap apps. [I haven't tested it]
Cordova plugin for Firebase Authentication. [Stable Release]
Cordova plugin for Firebase In-App Messaging
Getting the immersive screen size You can use the immersiveWidth and immersiveHeight methods to find out the dimensions of the screen with the system UI hidden, regardless of the current screen state.
AdMob Plus is the successor of cordova-plugin-admob-free, which provides a cleaner API and build with modern tools, No Ad-Sharing, Fully Open Source, No Remote Control
Member since 22 Sep, 2019