Danwood's Recent Forum Activity

  • welp, lets say Scirra team deserves a break like anyone else :3

    It was a lie bth, i want Ashley to be a never stopping working machine

    Yes, my minion, complete that update, NOW! mwhahah!

  • This is not to beg or anything, i'm just wondering if, considering Scirra just started the winter holydays (that they DESERVE on the highest possible degree!) you think that the r193 is realistically possible to see the light of day anytime soon, or only in january.

    Once again ,i m not asking for haste or anything, just sheer curiosity

    (i love every C2 update, i'm kinda addicted!)

  • Looks like using "Create Object" and adapting the events to it solved the issue in my project, the bug is still there for C2 though, but it concerns "Spawn another Object".

  • Any idea on how to overcome this before (and if) Ashley settles it? It is very gamebreaking for my project

  • Some groups don't even need to be moved for me, they uncollapse as soon as i save, exit and load the project.

  • Ashley


    I made another Report with CAPX which should work better, give a look ->

  • Problem Description

    Either "For Each" or "Spawn Another Object" (or even save/load) doesn't work properly for few seconds, after Save -> Refresh -> Load

    Attach a Capx

    See attached Capx

    Description of Capx

    There are 6 RED sprites overlapping each a BLACK sprite.

    Every tick, each RED overlapping BLACK (all 6) spawns an arrow, and set its angle toward the BLACK the RED is overlapping (the arrows fades out in 0.1 sec to avoid garbage)

    Normally, each arrow points to the BLACK overlapping "its own" RED (from where it was originated), but if you follow the steps below, something STRANGE happens.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      1 - Save (S) 2 - Refresh the page (or close/run preview) 3 - Load the previous save (L)

    Observed Result

    1 - Check the Arrows, for few seconds after loading, they are NOT pointing EACH to the BLACK picked by the condition as they should, but to a single BLACK.

    2 - Wait few seconds and the bug disappears (arrows go back to pointing each to its proper BLACK), this doesn't always happen, i don't know why.

    Expected Result

    Arrows should always point to each black picked by the condition, but this doesn't happen if you save, refresh and load.

    This bug has awful consequences in my game! (plz fix it Ash i luv you :3)

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • FireFox: YES
    • Internet Explorer: NOT TESTED

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win7 64 Ultimate SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r191 (but i presume it did happen in 190 as well)

  • Changing opacity won't create any extra render cell work (it's not moving or Z ordering), but changing the angle counts as moving.

    Thank you Ashley, that answered my question!

  • Danwood

    For more info on render cells, Ashley has a new, in depth blog post:

    https://www.scirra.com/blog/ashley/14/h ... cells-work

    Yep i've checked it, my question regards this part:

    When to avoid it?

    Any layers with lots of changing objects - either creating, destroying, moving or changing Z order - will probably incur more extra work than is saved by the cheap viewport checks

    Does it include opacity/angle sine? If i have 1000 objects iwth angle or opacity sine, does it count as trade-off for cell rendering?

  • As ever the answer depends on measurements. If you can measure an improvement, then yes!

    Ideally you would move any moving objects to their own layer, so the one using render cells is truly static.

    Thanks, i made some mesurements and it doesn't seem to differ much (it is hard to measure though, since it fluctuates a lot).

    So sine opacity and angle will also make the object update render cell? In that case, i will move the "sine-ing" objects in another layer as you suggested.

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  • Hey Ashley, thanks for the new update, you always deliver awesome improvements!

    I have a huge layer with hundred (and sometimes thousands) objects.

    Those objects are static, they only update variables once every 48 sec, but they have Sine (angle and opacity) happening from time to time for long periods of time.

    Is it convenient to enable the new Render cell option from r191? I'm testing CPU usage with the debugger, but still can't find any difference. I just need to be sue i'm using the right criteria to enable the new feature after reading yur article on cell rendering.

  • Thanks, it was not necessary since behaviours already use it

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