Ooh!!! I was only looking at the Log portion of Console.
Not found, while in Local it works.
Then I went to the files in the output, and it looks like the process of exporting the files made all of them lowercase! (maybe something to think of, Ashley?) When in the project the files had names with leading versale. Level1.json, Level2.json.
I changed the event to look for "level" not "Level" and it works now on server!
I guess the Local version is more forgiving for the lowercase vs uppercase.
I know. The old version was grabbed from older version of my files and in these I had random file names by all manners such as Test1.json etc.
So in conclusion: the Export process of C2 turns filenames into lowercases. Pay attention to that.
Yay, now I am pleased I can finally upload the game! (after I fixed the bugs of the newly introduced stuff I worked on meanwhile I was waiting on solution here)