IntelRobert Is the google play plugin you mean is the web api of google game services? If so here should be the answer, .
Ahh, I have no permission to post the URL yet. Please check the question and answer with id 23426429(Possible to use Google Play Game Services from origin file:///android_asset), in stackoverflow.
The google play plugin is designed to work when the app is hosted on a server and viewed in a browser. When you embed your app in an APK with crosswalk or phonegap, it needs a different solution. We are investigating methods, but I don't have anything to offer you now.
> I try to integrate google play plugin to crosswalk.
> Result
> i have test
> 4 client ids for google play
> 1. id for google play
> 2. id for native apps
> 3. id for web app
> 4. id for other platforms
> not work with anything
> Not Sign in