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  • That solved the problem! Thanks!

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  • I have a tilemap built level, with the solid and physics behaviors asigned to it. My platformer-player works just fine with it, but I can't seem to spawn physics objects in it. I'll spawn an object and it will immediately shoot off screen as i it were inside another object. I've left the spaces in between tiles blank, and in theory that should have no collisions. But every time a physics object spawns it acts like the entire tilemap is one big rectangle object and tries to separate itself.

    Can I use physics within a tilemap object? Am I doing something wrong?

    (note: I've checked each individual tile's collision polygons and they are fine.)

    If someone could point me in the right direction, that would be great. The Tilemapper has made my life so much easier and I would love to keep it in my project!

  • Thanks for the reply.

    This is the idea I've been trying to implement already, and it works just fine on its own, but when I try to use it in conjunction with the setup nothing works the way it should.

    I try enabling physics when the blocks are defined as IsFalling, but all of them just fall right away.

    This example is being rather uncooperative.

  • Been searching the forums and tutorials for a while with limited success, so here goes;

    Not enough rep yet to post a link, but if you open a new project and scroll down to the example that says "Falling blocks", you'll see what I've been working on.

    Been working with the "Falling Blocks" example included with C2, hoping to create an element for a game.

    In the example, when a block or group of blocks is not connected to the structure of blocks, they slowly sink until they reach the ground or come to rest on another block.

    The structure-connection system is perfect for my needs, but what I hope to accomplish is that when the blocks become disconnected, rather than just sinking downwards, they become physics objects and fall and bounce around and the like. I have been trying myself for quite a while, but have been unable to make it work. Either all of the blocks become physics objects and fall at once or sink as usual but without recognizing any connection.

    I'm probably just missing something pretty basic, but if someone could help point me in the right direction, that would be wonderful. I've been banging my head against the keyboard for a few days now. :)

    Thanks so much!

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Member since 4 Dec, 2013

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