weilies's Recent Forum Activity

  • I am terribly sorry!

    Looks like I was lead by google to the education landing page.

    By looking at the free 60 days and pricing model for monthly & annually I was shocked and posted up this topic without further reading

    Sorry for created a paranoid situation all, Tom and Ashley :)

    My bad

  • Webmaster took down the page.

    I hope it's my eye sight prob.

    Moderator plz remove my thread if it's not true.

    Plz tell me it's not true...

  • The reason C2 attract me was the simplicity and as well the affordable price modal.

    But what released today shocked me!

    C2 changed from a one time payment product to subscribe based...

    Guys, voice up your comments!

  • i come from Corona SDK few weeks ago.

    I tried a few tutorial and i really like the event concept.

    Frankly speaking i would bet my next game in C2 before i can further comment it's limitation.

    But having my time with Corona is tired to make simple game (when come to finishing line)

  • hi all,

    could you share the tutorial link for the 3 effects i wanna achieve in my next game?

    • Motion Blur
    • Camera Zoom
    • Slow Motion

    I tried to search but it's pointing me to Construct classic :(


  • Isn't using Pubnub-construct2 plugin is better?


    They mentioned using their realtime messaging technology can handle million of users

  • I understand C2 is a drag-drop game creation.

    But possible to perform http(s) request/respond method?

    It would be useful to create web game :)

    Thanks for the pointers

  • fine Ashley,

    nice to speak to u :)

  • Thanks Aphrodite :)

    you help me again!

  • I have created a basic project to test the screen resolutoin

    here is my proj



    but the local preview is stretched


    question 1: able to make it actual resolution size in browser?

    also, i tried F6 export to HTML5 website, and i get a blank black screen after click index.html under project folder


    question 2: anything i missed out??

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • i doubt why scirra do that.

    they should create a user friendly forum since the community here are friendly :)

  • i tried to report my issue but i face following error

    You do not yet have permission to post URLs.

    We know this is a bit annoying, and sorry about that! We've found that it's a good way to combat spam on our website. Building up the required reputation to post links shouldn't take long at all.

    Please press the back button on your browser and remove hyperlinks from your post. You can then resubmit it!

    how to post an image/url?

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Member since 24 Nov, 2013

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