Rory You really want that Prefab goodness don't you? :P
> There will definitely be an editor tool to build hierarchies that can later be used at runtime.
> As for reusing a hierarchy... I think it could work like the Set Instance action of the Timeline plugin, where you can define a base timeline in the editor and then at runtime use it with different instances other that the one used in the editor.
> Something similar could work in this case.
Very much! Thank you for the hard work. I've been working on a large scale project on C3 for a few years now and Aekiro's GameObject plugin has been a great temporary solution, but there's atleast a hundred things that would've been easier to make and neatened by eventsheets with more editor functionality.
It would really be great if reusing hierarchies wouldn't require events at all, if you could drag a Scene Object into multiple layouts, update one, and have them all update, that would be really useful. Which is why I keep coming back to prefabs. It's especially useful for when example, you have a tree object that is made out of the trunk, the branches and leaves, each of which is a different set of objects that are reused on multiple layouts. Then you want to shift things around on one. Containers make it so those components are now useless in any other usage, because they are now fixed to that set of objects.
Prefab is great! This is the trend of development!!!!!