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    What a quick help. Thanks!

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    Could someone experienced help with this?

    I work on ClickJogos build and they need to remove bellow listed warning on thier platform. I am not sure how thier platform works but the warning is similar when you try run exported game localy and not from a server.

    Anybody familiar with ClickJogos and this issue?

    Here is the the warning:

    "Exported games won't work until you upload them...."

    Thank you

  • Problem Description

    When Browser: Go to URL is used in very simple way - On touched sprite button e.g. then on Android 2+ and WM8

    This bug is roported by users and I am not able to test it on WM8 but on Android 2+ is not working.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Create simple srpite button and attach Browser: Go to URL action
    • Run on Android 2+
    • No link is open and the button seems to be not touchable

    Observed Result

    URL or link is not open even if Go to URL (new window) is used

    Expected Result

    URL should be loaded in to the same window or in new window

    Affected Browsers

    • mobile android (2+) browser

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Android 2+

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • OK guys.. Thank you for your effort.

    I understand that there is almost no info about the problem from my side.

    One of the bugs.. the black screen was casued by audio, so no audio solved this.

    Now I am experiencing new bug which does this:

    In the main menu of the game is button with simple action " go to url...". Users reports that when they go back to the game through browser back button after url button pressed. The game seems to be not loaded properly, something like it is running from cache or with kind of history data.

    So I need to ensure that when the user goes back to the game page everything is fresh. the action "got to url..." opens the new url in the same window. The situation is same with open in new window property.

    Any idea?

  • BluePhaze I understand. If I have access to the devices then the Debug tools is good tip.

    In general, the possibility that there is something wrong inside the C2 is real or should I check always my game logic?

    I am using in my opinion only basic events and actions the WebStorage seems to me as the only advanced.

    Thank you anyway!

  • Hi guys!

    I would like to ask you for a help or tip how to solve this:

    I made game for publisher and I have got some reported issues. How do you fix various device issues when you rely just only on C2?

    I am not programer so I am not able to check the code and i can only pray that all C2 thinks will work properly.

    For example i have this:

    Black screen on iPhone 4S 5.1.1 - Great. But where could be the problem ? Could it be in sounds ?

    Another is that levels don´t unlock on 3Gs 6.1.3 - Is the problem for example in WebStorage as I check level ups through local storage data?

    I understand that this is just rough info, but in general - How I can solve such things ?

    Thank you for any help or advice.

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Member since 19 Nov, 2013

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