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Very useful for big project!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I'm using "Crop" "full screen in browser"
the problem is zoom too close on mobile device
any plugin/idea i can get device screen size,like iPhone6Plus = 5.5??
thanks so much!
on layout editor/view right click -> insert new object -> right click on windows "insert new object" -> show deprecated plugins -> select webstorage
on layout editor/view
right click -> insert new object -> right click on windows "insert new object" -> show deprecated plugins -> select webstorage
Youre my savior!!
Why SCIRRA remove WebStorage??
for what reason please?
and how can i use WebStorage again in any new project?
LocalStorage is not fit my hand at all
i just wanna to laod value by WebStorage.localvalue("xxxx")
If you have any 3D software you can pre-render characters and other things as images / image sequences that you can use in the game. The character for my game was made in maya and rendered as a image sequence.
If you have any 3D software you can pre-render characters and other things as images / image sequences that you can use in the game.
The character for my game was made in maya and rendered as a image sequence.
Please hv a look on this
the background using fake 3D
and i wanna to do this on C2
but seems can't
You can do 3d with this
Q3D is not good for my game
i just need a way to using 2d>fake 3d
I'm planning to do fake 3d on my game's objects
but seems theres no idea to do that??
Here is what i do now
for no reason
it just some of device's 'is Transition ended' does not respond
now i do add a timer for those device(WebStorage.LocalValue("gotofx")=off)
is it just me?????
or something i did wrong?
Is there possible i can close other windows but not myself?
A open B windows
and A close B widnows
fongka2 i have ever used "intelXDK" , can you describe the problem , or can you send me a log file if there is a one ?
i found the problems is some of device have no 'is transition ended'
Its not working on intelXDK test lab
Android(Note3 Android5.0)=working great
iOS(iPhone6Plus IOS8.2)=crash
Member since 5 Nov, 2013