I understand your logic perfectly. To me though the problem is not that there's a thrid party involved, which in unavoidable, rather the fact that the main focus of the third party is not gaming performance, cause let's face it, google or apple don't care if there a bit of jank every 30 secs on a web site/page, but for a game that is a totally different story.
Ashley: I know you're probably sick of me pointing to this, but I would really love for you to read these two articles and then tell me if this is not a technology worth considering
Given the number of people here criticising us for "depending on third parties too much", I am extremely wary of adding any additional technology dependencies in to the C2 workflow. Even if Haxe works pretty well, we could still get shafted by compiler bugs, missing features and unoptimised parts that kill the performance. In particular I think Stencyl got burned by some of these types of issues. I'd rather stick with HTML5 - it may not be perfect, but it's improving fast and has some huge players backing it, such as Microsoft and Google.