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  • I tried what you told but i dont know why isnt working.

    The values on screen dont change...

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I'll try this. Thanks! :D

  • I typed on layout event sheet

    Function On "TotalScore" >> Function Set return value to (Score*ItemQuantity)/HealthLost

    and Function On "HealthLost" >> Function Set return value to Totalhealth-health

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  • I tried but dont work. The math expressions dissappear and leave the box text blank

  • Thanks for help. I got the idea for rank now :)

    But i still dont know how to use or implement those math expressions on the layout...

    How can i use math expressions with global variables and variables?

  • Hi,

    How can i make a Score Screen Layout in the end of each stage like in Super Mario Bros and Sonic games?

    I want to use math expressions to show the player his total score and his rank which depends of his total score. But i dont know how to do this...

    The Expression is:

    TotalScore = (Score * number of items collected) / HealthLost

    Obs: Score and number of items collected are global variables.


    If the TotalScore is 4000~5000+ an S letter is shown right below the Rank text.

    If the TotalScore is 3000~3999 an A letter is shown right below the Rank text.

    If the TotalScore is 2000~2999 an B letter is shown right below the Rank text.

    If the TotalScore is 1000~1999 an C letter is shown right below the Rank text.

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Member since 28 Oct, 2013

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