I recovered two maps, do they look familiar to you? :)
Here is the C3 project with both tilemaps:
You didn't provide tileset image files, so you need to double-click each tilemap object and load the correct image file.
For SchoolGreyTM I see you used imgonline-com-ua-ReplaceColor-j76VKh6CUi.jpg
For SchoolObjectsTM you used Schoolobjects.png
There is also a third tileset ("basketball court"), but you didn't send me its tsx file.
Wow, thank you that is great, how did you do it? what do i need to do? I have the image files and can send you them but I have a project file i would like to add them to so that I don't have to redo all the events I have on the project you provided.
Thank you again for your help!