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    Yea I'll work through the bugs with webgpu to make them easier to spot on what causes them. I have contacted AMD but because I don't have an RX they are putting me through diagnostic procedures I can't do haha.

    Yea webgpu fixes it but not on node webkit, I'm unsure if this is because node webkit may be defaulting to webgl regardless? (Is this a bug not allowing webgpu on nwjs, not sure)

    The bugs I have on webgpu are probably easier to sort if I isolate them then pass them over to you in the usual bug reporting. 👍


    Just further on this. It seems to effect other browsers aswell, not just chrome. Using Webgpu removes the issue, and the issues seem to effect all AMD RX cards, but webgpu causes other issues at this time on several projects.

    And to pinpoint the issue, what happens is any 3d object or sprite with a transparent or semi transparent pixel inverts its zdepth so it appears ontop of everything infront of it.

  • Ashley

    I generally avoid addons due to the chance of losing support... but just used Skymens change FOV addon to add sniper rifle zooming. (Everything else so far is all vanilla c3)

    Does changing FOV at runtime count as internal hacking or is there a chance this can be added to the main build of c3? 🤔

    "Customers who have purchased Construct 2 prior to February 1st 2017 will be eligible to a 50% discount on the first year subscription price for a license of the same type or lower."

    This is said on the sticky on the construct 3 general chat.

    Was going to upgrade but it only offers me discount on personal license though I have Early Adopter Business license from several years back, am I not able to have the 50% discount on the business license for construct 3 as it says license of same type or lower?

    Thank you.

  • This worked great, but needed it in NW.JS too.

    Nice plugin though!

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  • I want to be able to stream music from a web url, this can also be done by streaming a video, so streaming any form of audio or video would do.

    However I want to be able to achieve this in NW.JS (the youtube plugin worked great but didn't work with NW.JS)

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated!

  • R0J0hound

    Thanks for the great plugin!

    Applied the fix as mentioned a couple posts ago and I'm not sure if it is just me, but it made all the "color" webgl effects work but none of the other like distortions or blends.

    I have been cracking my head installing and uninstalling to get the webgl blends (for example, use darken and paste on a paster object) and have tried all kinds of versions. Not sure if is just me as others said the fix worked but they didn't mention if they were using the webgl blends to paste to paster.

    Here's the error given when attempting to paste a 'darken' effect sprite onto a paster object after the fix has been applied

  • [quote:1h3u9kbh]hi,

    the best solution is to made defferent kind of your sprites in your graphic software and spawn them when you need.

    Thanks. I did have the colors selectable by up to 10 in each of the RGB color elements meaning 1000 colors on each item...

    Sadly I guess I have to just limit it greatly from what I was planning.

    Thanks for the response!

  • I was using the tint effect to make the game world and character have selectable colours, but WEBGL is not compatible on alot of browsers/machines so I need to make it less reliant on it..

    If there any way whatsoever to have changable sprite colours without WEBGL?


  • Could try using the tint/change colour effects, and then pasting the resulting image to a PASTER object. This makes it so the effect is only applied for a single tick and the result is saved on a PASTER object.

  • [quote:1r036a6l]Removing webgl is a good idea, there is no big objects in the game and i got 17 fps.

    Yea, it is hard to test as my computer gets 60fps, but when tested it on gf's laptop was about 15 fps :/.

    My goal is that it is at least 30 fps on my phone (galaxy S4) which currently gets 5 fps

  • [quote:s3k6ylmo]I tried it and looks great.


    [quote:s3k6ylmo]Man, that's awesome!

    I'm wondering if you can put a capx of that vehicles mechanic! I don't want to copy, just study.

    But specially, how did you made that char animations? it looks great.

    I may consider doing tutorials of some stuff if I get the time and it is popular enough

    [quote:s3k6ylmo]It looks like a soft Happy Wheels

    Very good work

    Haha, good ol' Happy Wheels. Funny how you flop around when off your vehicle though :p

    [quote:s3k6ylmo]Looks awesome, keep up the good work


    Took note on errors and bugs. Decided I may remove all webGL effects and make it all work off the basic commands and blends as it caused alot of lag and webgl isn't supported on some of the people who tested :p

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