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  • Heh, all good I found the solution.

    Use 8Direction behaviour, then set the Acceleration to 10000 for instant movement. For instant stopping, call the Action: 8Direction: Stop

  • Hi there

    How do I make an object move up/down at varying speeds from slow to fast, without have an acceleration/deceleration delay for stopping and moving.

    In other words, I want to make an object move upwards at very fast speed, and then suddenly stop right where it is without a slowing-down effect like as if it's sliding on ice.

    So basically just very basic, simple movement with no acceleration/deceleration values; just speed.


  • Hi.

    I want to create a system where the player will get knocked away from the enemy when they collide, relative to which direction the player comes from (e.g. the player is coming from the right when it hits the enemy, so it gets pushed left, etc)

    <img src="http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/7/ul9r.png" border="0" />

    How would one go about this?

    Thanks : )

  • MindFAQ! Thank you for your help, and I have tried your formula, but something is not working and I am not sure where I went wrong.

    Basically the enemies started oscillating in a uniform vertical direction really fast.

    <img src="http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/9313/bqqb.png" border="0" />

    (Strafer is my enemy sprite that I want the weaving to be implemented)

    It seemed to work fine when I got rid of the A (period) and B (amplitude) modifiers and getting rid of lastX and lastY. Except when I try to modify its A and B, that's where it goes haywire.

    I will post a video if you need/ don't quite understand what I am talking about.

    Thanks : )

  • Cool. But is there a way for sine to move relative to the direction of the bullet? Like if it was moving at 45 degrees, can it do sine movement relative to its angle of direction?

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  • I was just about to post this question too and found this thread. I want to know the exact same thing. Basically I want an object to move straight while strafing left and right in a weaving motion. I only found "forwards and backwards" but wondering if there is a movement for "sideways".


  • Hi.

    Just a quick issue I am having; whenever I create a new object, the starting angle seems to always be at 0 degrees facing right. I want a character to face left, but its original angle is still facing right, so it does not rotate the direction I want it (I want to make it face the mouse.x and mouse.y)

    Is there a way to work around this problem so his original angle is at the opposite direction?


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