I found this solution here :
"I figured it out. If the Keystore password matches the Alias password, the app is signed successfully."
It doesn't work for you ?
I'm not using cordova, I just export signed release from construct, and then I export it in google play.
My problem was solve by making a new key.
I've had the same problem :
I made a new key
And I used the same password for keystore password and key password
And your graphics are beautiful.
Really nice, good work !
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You can find sounds on freesounds, looking for "game" for exemple : freesound.org/search
Files are shared in creative common licences.
Yes, same password in the two fields, that works for me.
To close the topic : it went back to normal for me yesterday.
I had sent an e-mail to the support team.
Hi Everyone,
My first app on Google Play : play.google.com/store/apps/details
It's a simple classic match-pair game. I attached particular importance to the graphics. I think the result is not so ugly ;-)
Enjoy, and thanks for feedbacks
Ok, thanks for your reply.
Have got the same error. Did you solve it ?
I try to export my game to Android(Cordova), as a signed android app bundle.
I use a certificate .jks i had created when I first export the game.
The build fail and the error log I got only says "error"
What went wrong ? Any help ?
Member since 20 Apr, 2019