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  • oh may, i searched in youtube and google and couldn't find anything,

    i didn't even think to search in Learn section!!!!!!!!!, i could have saved hours, maybe because it is not obvious.

  • ok, my complaint is about the menu itself, what is in it is the developer problem.

    what i want is the basic funtucaluty of a scrolling menu to be provided, just like unity in the video provided.

    If it is simple and does not need a plug-in or whatsoever, then howabout they make an example to show it in Construct start menu?.

    if it is simple please teach me, cause i am a newbie.

    you said that they can't make a plugin for every way a scrolling menu works, there is no need for that! just make one,

    if it does not fillfull your needs then you need to make one your self, just like all other things in Construct or any other engin.

  • Hello..

    First please read this topic it is short.

    now those things that i am trying to implement in the scrolling menu is actually what is expected and what is habitual from a scrolling menu.

    so as i mentioned in that topic, it is something that is supposed to be done whenever your implement things for touch controllers, why i should think about how to implement them?, it should be as a plug-in, if i used touch object, then surly i need to implement a UI for touch controllers such as scrolling menu.

    So thinking about how to make a scrolling menu work, is something that should not bother me when i use construct3, cause from what i understand, Construct should handle this kind of things for us, so that we focus on our game logic.

  • i disabled the touch logic, and added Drag & Drop behaviour to Scroller object, and it gave me the same effect does it really have to be touch input?, and how about the deceleration effect when i scroll but not reaching the limits?, and if the menu can show perfectly 3 items, and i scrolled and stopped at a position where there are 4 items is shown, that means half an item in top, and half bottom, now the scroller should automatically adjust its position to show only 3 item, how to implement this too?

  • Hello,

    could you please help me on how can i implement this scroll effect?

    please watch this 1 min video. Thank you.

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    This is non-related question, if Construct3 can export to android and ios, and it support touch plug-in and so on, why it does not have basic touch functions such as this scroll behavior? do i really need to search and study on how to implement and calculate things and take care of various screen resolution and all the trouble that comes with, while Construct3 is supposed to take care of this kind of things for us so that we only focus on game logic?

  • jobel yes please do report the bug, and report about the other issue pls :)

    btw i did my own MoveTo function, that is doing what i want, inspired by the equation you gave me,

    do you want to see it? maybe you can make it better, since i'm construct3 newbie

  • Thank for the equation, i will play with it to understand it.

    What i want is:

    make the Wall follow the player only on Y axis, the wall have a sight line(rectangle), when player enter their sight they move to Player.Y at a fixed speed,

    for that i used MoveTo behavior, this behavior have a Maxspeed and MoveToPosition action, exactly what i want, but then the problem that i mentioned from the begging start to happen, that prevent the Circle(Player) from moving until the other wall reach its destination if there is more than one.

    I tried to fix it, but i couldn't, i tried to use other ideas but none of them worked like MoveToPosition action from MoveTo behavior.

    So i asked for help, why is that happening with the behavior, am i using it wrong? how to fix it, if its a bug then tell me another way to make wall move (NOT to teleport) to Player.Y . :)

  • did you see my example?

    i saw the example.. unfortunate lerp is not what i am looking for,it's good when i'm in the boundary but when i get out from it from the top and then enter from the bottom the wall will move very fast, which is not what i want ,as i said whatever the case i want the wall to move at a fixed speed, so MoveTo behavior is the best option for me for now, however the problem that i mentioned gone using lerp.

    and in your example another weird thing happened with MoveTo behavior (at least for me), disable or delete setPosition action and set MoveTo move to position(self.X, Player.Y),

    set the Player 8Direction MaxSpeed to 650, Acceleration and deceleration to a high value 20000 for instance,

    and then move in a linear direction to the right, you should pass through them, and watch how the player speed is exceeds its maximum speed and then return to normal, and when you pass the other wall the same thing will happen.

    so does MoveTo behavior still not stable?

    p.s: the container tactic is super useful ty:D

  • Not yet.

  • The rectangle shapes act as moving obstacles, so whenever Circle in in their sight line (the transparent sprite), or custom collision by events, they move on the Y axis only, i used overlapping because OnCollisionWithOtherObject will make it move once, while what i want is to move at a fixed speed in this range whenever the circle moves, and stop when rectangle.Y == Circle.Y, for that i used MoveTo behavior, now i can make some ifs statements to no make it MoveTo every frame like overlapping & Circle.Ismoving().

    What is happening in the video that when i overlap with two(transparent sprites) the circle stop from moving even while I'm holding down arrows keys until the second rectangle reach its destination(self.X, Circle.Y), after that the circle will resume moving, but that will happen again when i overlap with the third one.. on so on.

    I will try to use lerp, and tell you if its helps, and if it does, then what is causing this behavior in this example?.

    Thank you.

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  • Hello..

    As you can see while I'm moving the circle(or player object) by 8Direction behaviour, the circle stop moving until the other object reach its destination which is(self.X, circle.Y), and it causes frame drop, in the video i was still holding down arrow keys to move, and as you saw there is only 4 commands in the event sheet and nothing else,so why is this happening? i tried removing the transparent sprite that act as rectangle sight line and made a custom collision detection events, but it didn't solve the problem, i tried to simply set their Y axis to circle.Y, the problem is gone but its not what i want, i want the object to move in fixed speed not to teleport when i enter their sight from another place, so what is happening here? i tried many many ideas to make it work, but its taking too long,

    please help.

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