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  • Finally i am successful in using admob. But again a new question arises:-

    The banner always appear at the bottom of the screen.Can't i shift it to the top ?

  • It is available on the start page of editor.

    > Yours is very old.The latest one is r157.Update it and then retry

    Thank you so much, I found out that when I install construct 3 as app, it is not...update even I check for update in the setting.

    However, after reinstall with latest, problem still.

    I'm trying your sample project but after export to ios, the same error happens. Look like something wrong with "unsupported URL" that result "configuration failed" (note that I tried to chang my policy url with and without http:// )

    You are right.I wrote //https and my file is now partially working

    Hello there,

    I'm trying to use Admob, in Construct 3 Addon Manager, it show version r142.2. I'm not sure if it is latest or not and how do I update it but when I build to device, I got the following error.

    > [NetworkInfo] Signal strength query returned error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=13 "Permission denied", descriptor: <CTServiceDescriptor 0x280983560, domain=1, instance=1>

    > THREAD WARNING: ['ConstructAd'] took '115.951904' ms. Plugin should use a background thread.

    > Task <6A915F77-D23B-4520-BF9B-C81685FEC648>.<1> finished with error - code: -1002

    > ERROR: Rejection from 'advert' handler 'Configure': unsupported URL

    > [C3 advert] Event (configuration failed Error (unsupported URL) Type () Amount (0))

    > WF: === Starting WebFilter logging for process Hom Hom

    > WF: _userSettingsForUser mobile: {

    > filterBlacklist = (

    > );

    > filterWhitelist = (

    > );

    > noOverridingAllowed = 1;

    > restrictWeb = 1;

    > useContentFilter = 0;

    > useContentFilterOverrides = 0;

    > whitelistEnabled = 0;

    > }

    > WF: _WebFilterIsActive returning: NO

    > <Google> To get test ads on this device, call: request.testDevices = [ @"9c67c9da129973a095c648d6cff93ffb" ];

    > <Google:HTML> You are currently using version 7.32.0 of the SDK. Please consider updating your SDK to the most recent SDK version to get the latest features and bug fixes. The latest SDK can be downloaded from goo.gl/UoiJ8F. A full list of release notes is available at developers.google.com/admob/ios/rel-notes.

    > [C3 advert] Event (interstitial created Error () Type () Amount (0))

    I did check all the setup is corrected. Would you please help?

    Yours is very old.The latest one is r157.Update it and then retry

    Don't take me wrong but i would request the construct team to make a template for admob and make it available in the start page of the editor. Inspite of doing everything i am failing to implement admob in my game.

    Link of my template where i am trying to learn but getting unsuccesssful everytime.Remember ,in this file ,i have edited the number so that nothing goes wrong.For that ,one will have to enter their own data(android app id etc)


  • You've created an android app therefore that is your android ID. If you create an iOS app you get an iOS ID

    Love you friend !!!

  • i am talking about this

  • Your admob account is not at risk if you set the mobile advert plugin to test mode, which is enabled by default.


    Just help me with one doubt

    When i am using mobile advert then it asks for android application id,ios application id etc.But my biggest doubt is that i am only able to find single app id

    Now where will i get my android app id,ios app id which i have to fill in constuct 3

    Like this

    Abhishek Thapliyal please read the manual page, it explains what a publisher ID is and where to find it. The TEST keyword is a legacy feature that was removed some time ago, I realised this morning that there was still a reference to it in the manual page so I removed it.

    The TEST keyword was basically a substitute for the example Admob ID values, but Admob considers them a special case and hence they often work when a real Ad unit ID wouldn't. Making them pretty useless for testing.

    Thanks for the answer but again a new doubt rises

    Construct 3 is asking for app id for both android and ios whereas on admob site,i only got one app id.

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    And also what is publisher id ?

Abhishek Thapliyal's avatar

Abhishek Thapliyal

Member since 12 Apr, 2019

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