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  • Because if you want to use code, you can use something like Game Maker Studio.

    If you want use real programming, there Unity Free, or Unreal Engine 4 for just $19...

    Construct is perfect to play and prototypes, but if you want to do something more serious there way better options.

  • Construct2 uses Arrays/Dictionary, which is good, but I really would like to know when the Scirra will implement something much simpler than the multiplayer, but very useful... a more complex way to store and retrieve data.

    For example, full support to JSON, Allowing you Store/Retrieve data, use objects, etc...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi,

    I do not know what is your experience with game development, but I can speak for my experience.

    I'm working on a game, at the beginning I was doing my own engine in C++/OpenGL, was about 10% completed when I found the Construct 2, now my game is about 85% completed.

    Why I chose the Construct 2, and not other tools like my own engine, Game Maker, Unity3D and others?

    1 - The performance is excellent, my prototype is now 85% completed, runs at 60 fps on a notebook with 3 years old without graphic card.

    2 - I could not develop for Mac, simply because I do not have one.

    3 - The Construct 2 is much cheaper than these other options.

    4 - Excellent support Scirra.

    5 - Most importantly, control and freedom.

    You are developing in Javascript, with SDK support, you can do whatever you want, and you can port your code for any platform you want, even if the Construct 2 does not support, with tools such as C++/Qt/QML, Awesomium, Node... among others.

    It's even possible you port your game to platforms like Nvidia Shield/PS Vita/WiiU/PS4/XboxOne... tools for this exist ;D

    I don't like to discuss which tool is best, you should use the tool that best suits your needs, but when I choose a tool I always take into consideration the freedom and my needs.

    My need was for portability between different platforms, so for me the Construct 2 was the best choice, taking into consideration: portability/ development time/money.

    Note: Sorry my English, I'm not fluent :D

  • closed

  • Ashley It's funny, but I ran the executable version of the Windows in Ubuntu 13.10 using Wine 1.4, and particles work perfectly.

    But the specific version of the Node for Linux, works with some problems :D

    I also tried using the latest version of node-webkit-v0.8.0-rc1-linux-ia32, but the same problem happens.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Capx: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40173010/LinuxFS_Part.capx

    Everything is perfectly fine in Windows 8/7.

    But when trying to run the project on Ubuntu 13.10, all particles of the game are not performed correctly, I created a completely new project (the capx above), and the same error happens.

    From what I observed, does not happen any performance problem, drop fps, anything, everything is fine, but the particles are presented with problems, sometimes larger and without the correct images.

    I put two screenshots below which shows what happens.

    note: sorry my english :D

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create any particles in the project

    2. And try to run the project in Ubuntu 13:10



    [3019:1025/180455:INFO:gpu_info_collector_x11.cc(80)] NVCtrl extension does not exist.

    [3019:1025/180455:INFO:CONSOLE(9)] "Viewport target-densitydpi is not supported.", source: file:///tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.inNgEo/index.html (9)

    ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by environment.

    Observed result:

    Runing on Ubuntu 13.04


    Expected result:

    Runing Windows 8



    Node Webkit

    Operating system & service pack:

    Ubuntu 13.04

    Construct 2 version:


  • Congratulations, the demo is awesome, and for sure the final game will be fantastic :D

    I was curious about the menus, how did you do them? you simply create the objects when the player opens the menu, or you use a different layout for each menu, just curious :D

  • jojoe

    Yes, it was exactly what I said in my comment to you about checking the permissions, I mentioned the sudo because I did not know your level of knowledge in linux, and if you don't know how to change file permissions, could do this.

    But like I said, I didn't install anything to run the project in Ubuntu ^^

  • Before you run, check the permissions of the executable file, if the permissions are correct, and even then not work, try running the program with the super user command: sudo ./yourapp

    I tested on Ubuntu 10.13 Beta, and did not have to install anything, so do the steps above.

    This works for me ^^

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Member since 10 Oct, 2013

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