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  • Thanks again,

    Will try that layered approach... found a promising thread with search about drawing lines, "[PLUGIN] Canvas" thread. It seems that Construct might be afterall my choice for the "project"...

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  • Hey, thanks!

    That was fast Good ideas there... doing the planets as a separate objects is of course a good and working solution, ja tilemaps would be good for the "grid" background...

    with zoom I meant zoom that zooms the whole map, not just one planet... kind like a full view of the galaxy -> solar system -> planet type of zoom. That could be implemented in some kind of steps instead of "infinite" zoom.

    I still have one problem ideawise, how to do / draw different kind of lines (solid / dashed so on) between "systems" - "routes" from one system to another?

  • Hello,

    1st problem in my 1st construct-project... how would I do the best some sort of galactic map (oops, seems like I cannot post links yet), anyways, Idea would be to have smaller area ("map screen") on the game view that would contain the map, that would be zoomable and scrollable, like googlemaps. Glactic map would be lines and dots...

    Using superbig bitmap won't work, don't know how to do vectorlike map (in construct, I do know vector softs like Illustrator very well).

    Any ideas? What I need to do is quite simple, but figuring out the best way is not that simple.

    I plan to make thse stars clickable somehow later, to get info about those star systems, but that is another problem...

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Member since 8 Oct, 2013

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