Hello. I'm trying to open an old project that I have made and I'm receiving this message:
"The project you are opening uses addons that are not installed:
Behavior 'EaseTween' by Yeremia Al (lunarray)"
I tried to search here in the forum, and I found this:
Behavior : EaseTween Mod - rexrainbow.github.io/C2RexDoc/c2rexpluginsACE/behavior_rex_lunarray.tween_mod.html
But when I put the folder "rex_lunarray.tween_mod" in the behaviors folder, the error continues.
I tried LITETWEEN too, but with no success.
Someone can share this behavior for me? ("EaseTween" by Yeremia Al (lunarray))
If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me.
Sorry for the poor english.
Best regards,