retrodude thank you for your answers.
c-7 as i am new to this i imported directly the file from spriter to c2 and to be honest with you i didnt know what to do next and how to call the whole animation since there is a chaos of combined images.i am trying to figure this out right now searching the forums and experimenting.
retrodude i know i went overboard with the animation but please be gentle with me since when we try something new we usually exaggerate a bit :) but my real problem lies with what you said.set up a bigger number like 160 and everything will go faster. that is not the case with me and thats why i asked for help.let me try and break it down
if i set 1 in the number then my animation will last 92 sec since its 92 png's and it will go 1 frame per second. if i set 184 it will run from start till finish in half a second. my problem is that even if i input 180,200,600 it still runs at 20 fps no matter what