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  • ah veto the nothing spawning comment, that was an unrelated issue. Taking out the wait has just had no effect

  • The Wait was an attempt at a fix. Does loopindex not have any effect in for each element loops?

    When I take out the wait action, nothing spawns!

  • hiya! Everything else in the following code is working as intended but for some reason my resources keep spawning at tilemap coordinates 0,0 which makes me think that CurX and CurY aren't working as intended. I've even split them off into variables so that they aren't nested, hence "ResourceSpawnX" and Y

    Any ideas?

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  • I have a little selection menu in my game. I want to set an action that changes the opacity of each button to show which one is selected. Is there a way to set an action to target all instances of the Selections family to set them as 50% opacity so that I can then only highlight the one that's selected? Currently I have to do what's pictured above which doesn't seem very elegant

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Member since 28 Mar, 2019

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