Renfd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Cyber Shadow has been announced! It's developed by MekaSkull in C2, and published by Yacht Club Games.

    We (MP2 Games) are porting the game to Switch/XB1/PS4/PC using Chowdren, and so happy to be involved with this game :)

    I've been talking to MekaSkull about Cyber Shadow for a long time, so I'm glad we were finally able to spill the beans!

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    The game will be playable at PAX East at the Yacht Club Games booth, so make sure to check it out!

    MP2 Games is working on other projects as well, so I hope to be able to talk more about those soon!

    Oh, I didn't know that Cyber Shadow is being made with C2. Glad to know.

    It seems to be running smootly on Switch. Awesome!

  • The problem with Google Adsense for Games is its 1 million user requirement. With that, I think only a handful of C3 users would have access to it.

    Out of that I don't know any feasible option for monetising webgames outside a platform, unfortunately.

  • The youtube app on Switch is a web app wrapped in a webview. So something like this would be technically possible with C3 games, but it seems to be a privilege only for Google.

  • My game was freezing when switching between layouts.

    Browser console on chrome:

    Actually I managed to resolve this by changing 'Max spritesheet size' property from 2048 to 1024.

    But i'm curious now. What "texture released too many times" means?

    Also, do changing 'Max spritesheet size' property have significant impact on the performance of the game?

  • Congrats!

    Interesting to see that your game got more much more users from Google Play than in Instant Games where the competition is much smaller.

    And about IOS App Store? Didn't you published there?

  • I've moved on to Construct 3. Slowly but surely, I've been porting my C2 work to C3.

    It's annoying to remove the plugins, but it doesn't fully break my games.

    Same here. It was very hard last year, since C3 was lacking some important plugins, but now its feasible thanks to some plugin developers that ported the most important plugins.

  • I would guess you actually stored a string of "1" and then multiplied that with a number. I just tried it with both the C2 and C3 runtimes though and "1" * 50 returns "1", as it is supposed to (since string * number returns the string unmodified). So I can't see any change in behavior.

    Oh, so it has to do with the way the value is stored. My mistake.

    Actually I have a 'save' function that saves a value in a dictionary then saves the dictionary.json in localstorage. When I converted it to the built-in-function I had to convert the parameter to string. So I did not noticed that all values in the dictionary are string now.

    Thanks for clearing it up and sorry for the confusion!

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  • I'm not sure if its a bug, but just noticed a difference on evaluating values from Dictionary object.


    Lets suppose that the Dictionary.Get("VALUE") = 1

    So we evaluate the following:

    Dictionary.Get("VALUE") * 50

    Result on C2 runtime = 50

    Result on C3 runtime = 1

    To resolve this issue on C3 runtime we just have to use int function:

    int(Dictionary.Get("VALUE")) * 50

    Simple, so not a big deal right? But for those who don't know, it may cause trouble when converting an project from C2 to C3 runtime.

    Btw... Just to let people know.

  • Hey Ashley,

    One issue I noticed here trying to convert the functions of a project, is that when I convert a function, all actions where the function is called that it is originaly disabled, the respective action of the build-in function is not disabled.

    Example: (tried to upload screenshots, but it seems image upload is not working, so I'm using 'Copy as text' feature)

    Old function :

    -> [DISABLED] Function: Call "test" ()

    Converted to build-in-function:

    -> Functions (built-in): Call test

    It seems like a little issue, but in large projects it can create big trouble.

  • I you're using 'Give Your Fonts Mono' (sprite font generator by Black Bee), you can add the characters you need, then generate the sprite font image.

    For example, the charset below should be enough for most latim idioms and has russian charset too.


    You may add more characters depending on the languages you need.

  • They are a big deal when your game is more complex or you have elements working together,

    It makes everything flicker and it'S annoying,

    Their solution was imperfect and I provided a way to fix it,

    I don'T even know why you're replying to me right now you'Re just wasting my time.

    You're not bringing anything to the table and possibly misdirecting people and making them think they should do your solution even though it's absolutely wrong which is a lot of wasted time and effort for other construct users for them to realize they've been misdirected.

    Don't need to stress out. I just didn't understood the real issue at the begining, and suggested a different aproach, since him didn't not managed to completly solve the issue in about 2 months. Also you didn't provided a solution at the moment of my post, you edited your post after.

  • Renfd you completely missed the point and your game is full of the kind of artifacts we'Re talking about that we're trying to get rid of

    I don't think those artifacts are a big deal, but in that case I think kidswithcrowns's solution above is the better aproach, since he is simulating what would be called 'scale outer integer scale'. If it stills produces artifacts, its probably a C3 bug.

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Member since 26 Sep, 2013

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