jaskokoyn's Recent Forum Activity

  • Well, what feels off about it? What don't you like?

    When I pressed a key the snake would move a little late and not on the mark. I got it fixed though.

    However, I have a new problem now. When the snake eats the apple, then how do I create the body and then have it follow the snake?

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  • Hey everybody, I was wondering what approach I should take for a classic snake movement in construct 2. Here's what I have so far.

    <img src="http://jaskokoyn.com/img/SnakeMovement.png" border="0" />

    It works, but it's only a little off. For some reason, I feel like there's a better solution out there. So, can anyone provide what I should be doing instead or recommend anything I can do to improve my solution?

    Keep in mind, I'm not looking for smooth movement. I would like to stick to the classic's version of the snake movement.

    Please and thank you :)!

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Member since 23 Sep, 2013

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