DrGurka's Recent Forum Activity

  • It seems like there's an error when joining and creating a new game. It throws this error

    Uncaught Error: Master: PhotonPeer[_send] - Operation 227 - failed, "isConnected" is false , "isClosing" is false !
    [/code:32feu3wp] I don't know if its maybe me who is doing something wrong but i would be nice if someone could help me out with this  
    It also seems like Photon doesn't work with NW.js, i only get this error [code:32feu3wp]Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 NameServer: PhotonPeer[_onError] - Connection error: {"path":{"length":0},"cancelBubble":false,"returnValue":true,"srcElement":{"binaryType":"blob","protocol":"","extensions":"","bufferedAmount":0,"readyState":3,"url":"ws://ns.exitgames.com:9093/","URL":"ws://ns.exitgames.com:9093/"},"defaultPrevented":false,"timeStamp":1436043732024,"cancelable":false,"bubbles":false,"eventPhase":2,"currentTarget":{"binaryType":"blob","protocol":"","extensions":"","bufferedAmount":0,"readyState":3,"url":"ws://ns.exitgames.com:9093/","URL":"ws://ns.exitgames.com:9093/"},"target":{"binaryType":"blob","protocol":"","extensions":"","bufferedAmount":0,"readyState":3,"url":"ws://ns.exitgames.com:9093/","URL":"ws://ns.exitgames.com:9093/"},"type":"error"}Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 a.logPhoton-Javascript_SDK.min.js:20 a.errorPhoton-Javascript_SDK.min.js:15 a._onErrorPhoton-Javascript_SDK.min.js:4 _socket.onerror[/code:32feu3wp]
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  • Would this plugin work with an platform shooter or is this just for turn based and etc?

    If a platform shooter would work could someone give some brief knowledge on how it would work?

  • Bump

  • So i've started working on a small Multiplayer Platformer just to see whats possible to do in construct, when i suddenly stumbled upon a little problem. It seems like when a peer is walking around it has trouble to sync with the host and itself so it starts shaking. I have no idea why this is happening and i would really apreaciate some help. Just start the game in two different windows and walk around with the assigned peer.

    (Note i can't post links because i have under 300 rep)

    See for yourself:

    https:// dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/172677731/Blo.io/index.html


    https:// dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/172677731/Blo.io.capx

    Thanks in advance

  • Thanks for the help :D

  • Whenever i try to open up my projct i get this error

    Failed to open project

    C:"Destination Folder"

    Cannot find object texture file "Tile3.png" in the project folder.

    Check the file has not been renamed or removed.

    Under element: c2prokect\object-folder\object-typ Line 69, column 9

    The file may be invalid. Try checking the file in a text editor (project are saved in XML format)

    Here is the capx file dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/172677731/Hej.capx

    And i can't find where the file is either.

  • I'm just wondering of there is any way i can make a game where you can share your own levels, so all users will be able to play the levels?

  • Is there any way you can share the levels afterwards?

  • Is there any way i can load JSON files and then inserting them into an array? I have already fixed the code so i can read a JSON file but the array won't load it beacuse it's a .txt file. Is there any solution?

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Member since 20 Sep, 2013

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