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  • Hello everyone

    So here I am french, I come from an artistic community (audio & visual), I work regularly with many illustrators, and now i'm finishing my first prototype board game, with real cards, real pad etc. Now, I would like to try to develop this card game digitaly, online.

    I have strictly no skill in dev but I would like to offer this little game (fast and fun) a digital dimension, online, multiplayer (I made a website with wix to expose some elements of the game (still in progress).

    I do not know the level of difficulty that this kind of work requires (with a collection, deck editor, market etc.) and I think a pro developer must be too expensive for me, so I would like to learn by myself, but the best should be to make this game with a main developper.

    Finaly everything is ready (music, art, gameplay, cards etc.), it let only the pure developpment.

    If you would like help, we could talk here or by discord about details : Rover#1114

    Sorry for my english, I hope you will like this concept.

    Thank you everyone !

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Member since 5 Mar, 2019

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