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  • I'm creating a platform game, in ehich I would like my player to remain exactly in the same spot throughout the game, and have only the background and objects move.

    The problem is that if the player doesn't jump fast enough over an object, the object continues scrolling and the player is dragged backwards.

    I want the horizontal scroll to stop the moment that the player collides with an object.

    I would also like for the screen to move vertically when the player jumps and lands....

    Any help please?

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  • I'm creating a platform game for tablet, and when I view

    The game in chrome It's shown as a long strip , how can I make it so I view it in the

    Layout size I give it? (Tablet size)

  • The jump animation is the first 3 frames, and then once the 3 frames are over, it skips to the fall and then the landing.

  • I'm creating a platform game, which has a main player that is supposed to jump, walk, crouch etc.

    I've exported the animations as png sequences, and placed them in the animation frame area.

    All the animations are working perfectly except for the jump.

    The jump is split into 3 - the actual jump - going up in the air,

    the fall- when the player is mid air, and the land - when the player lands on the floor.

    the fall and the land work well, but for the jump I've made an animation that has 13 frames in it, but instead of using all these frames for the jumping in the air animation, the player jumps onlu using the first 3 frames out of the 13, making the animation look pretty bad.

    Any idea why the jump won't use all my frames?

  • I'm creating a platform game, which has a main player that is supposed to jump, walk, crouch etc.

    I've exported the animations as png sequences, and placed them in the animation frame area.

    All the animations are working perfectly except for the jump.

    The jump is split into 3 - the actual jump - going up in the air,

    the fall- when the player is mid air, and the land - when the player lands on the floor.

    the fall and the land work well, but for the jump I've made an animation that has 13 frames in it, but instead of using all these frames for the jumping in the air animation, the player jumps onlu using the first 3 frames out of the 13, making the animation look pretty bad.

    Any idea why the jump won't use all my frames?

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Member since 16 Sep, 2013

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