vivsa's Forum Posts

  • I finished making my game and I've exported it with cocoon js, uploaded into my adroid - into the app, but the app won't unzip my file.

    Any idea why?

  • The link they give there doesn't exist

  • I understood the video plugin only works online, any other way I can add a video?

  • I'm creating a platform game and I would like the first screen to be an intro to the game and then the second screen immediately after would be the actual game.

    I've managed to link a video by adding my video to the files and then calling the video in the browser-> url, but I would like it that when the video stops, ot maybe the user presses a button, that the game will start. any idea how to do that?

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  • fassFlash I tried it - I can't insert a url and I understood that it only works online.

  • I heard there are thing like avi object and python but I'm not sure how to use them.

  • rexrainbow

    Does the plugin work offline as well? Can it be used on a tablet?

  • I uploaded the plugin into my construct 2, and it shows inside and I put the source in but the source won't play.

    I tried putting mp4, wma links.

  • fassFlash How do I do that?

  • I've created a platform game, and I want the first screen that shows to be an animated intro to the game that I created in Flash and exported as pngs (in pretty low quality)

    I've exported the game and it works when I make a different layer be the first to show, but when I make the intro layer be first, or try to reach the intro through the menu I made, the app crashes.

    This happens when I export it as HTML 5 and as Node - Webkit.

    Any idea how I can make the intro weigh less without losing any more quality?

    (the animation is around 400 frames long)

  • Thank you!

  • I've created a game with a menu and one level. (2 seperate layers with 2 different event sheets - the menu has a button that leads to the level)

    The game for some reason always starts at the level and not at the menu.

    Any idea how I can fix that?

  • I'm creating a platform game, in ehich I would like my player to remain exactly in the same spot throughout the game, and have only the background and objects move.

    The problem is that if the player doesn't jump fast enough over an object, the object continues scrolling and the player is dragged backwards.

    I want the horizontal scroll to stop the moment that the player collides with an object.

    I would also like for the screen to move vertically when the player jumps and lands....

    Any help please?

  • I'm creating a platform game for tablet, and when I view

    The game in chrome It's shown as a long strip , how can I make it so I view it in the

    Layout size I give it? (Tablet size)

  • The jump animation is the first 3 frames, and then once the 3 frames are over, it skips to the fall and then the landing.